This week, the upcoming Symfony 5.2 version introduced a new RateLimiter component and built the first feature on top of it: login throttling. In addition, a new feature was merged into HttpClient component to automatically retry failed HTTP requests. Finally, the first speakers of the SymfonyWorld 2020 online conference were announced.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 58 pull requests were merged (42 in code and 16 in docs) and 37 issues were closed (29 in code and 8 in docs). Excluding merges, 30 authors made 4,960 additions and 422 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- d486f4a: [Form] changed 'cache_key' to AbstractRendererEngine::CACHE_KEY_VAR in BaseType
- ba65757: [VarDumper] deal with errors being thrown on PHP 8
- 74f41f3: [Yaml] fixed parsing comments not prefixed by a space
- 2eeb75d: [Yaml] fixed edge cases when parsing multiple documents
- 61c1175: [HttpClient] don't calculate alternatives if option is auth_ntlm
- e608d05: [Console] work around disabled putenv()
- 1202404: [FrameworkBundle] fixed XSD definition which prevent to add more than one workflow metadata
- ad22618: [HttpClient] added support for CURLOPT_LOCALPORT
- 2f67bf3: [HttpKernel] do not override max_redirects option in HttpClientKernel
- 7917612: [Cache] allowed cache tags to be objects implementing __toString()
- 785a066: [Translator] handle null locales properly
- e299544: [Validator] catch ValueError thrown on PHP 8
- f27ca4e: [String] improved slugger portability accross different implementations of iconv()
- 4d1a522: [Security] log notice when no entry point is configured
- 2384f08: [FrameworkBundle] loadRoutes shoud receive RoutingPhpFileLoader
- 2a76d51: [Validator] stop using the deprecated at() PHPUnit matcher
- 2973d30: [Mailer] allow using Reply-To with Mailjet API
- ae655bf: [Notifier] fixed errors parsing in FirebaseTransport
- 9c8cd08: [String] allow translit rules to be given as closure
- c34865f: [Form] added new way of mapping data using callback functions
- 128bbd1: [Lock] made RetryTillSaveStore implements the SharedLockStoreInterface
- 7cd5bbf: [RFC] introduced a new RateLimiter component
- 83910df: [Amqp] added amqps support
- 237d91f: [Security] added login throttling feature
- 8d45013: [HttpClient] added RetryHttpClient
- d6e2c5e: [MonologBridge] use composition instead of inheritance in monolog bridge
- 772547e: [VarDumper] support for ReflectionAttribute
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RateLimiter] Expose the limiter state
- [Messenger] Defining transport dynamically
- [Routing] Support for env variables when configuring locale based on host
- [Serializer] Add a annotation to serialize empty collection as an object and not an array
- [Profiler] Add Web Vitals Indicators
They talked about us
- New Release: Sylius 1.8 with API Platform and Loyalty points system
- Rapid development with autowiring and autoconfiguration
- Testing Benford’s Law in Symfony 5 PHP Framework
- Symfony, lưu session trong database, đảm bảo chạy load balancing an toàn với ELB
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