A Week of Symfony #798 (11-17 April 2022)
April 17, 2022 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, the first beta of Symfony 6.1 was released in preparation for its final release in 6 weeks. Meanwhile, we published some blog posts about new Symfony 6.1 features, such as improved ExpressionLanguage syntax and the Locale Switcher. Lastly, the SymfonyWorld Online conference (June 16-17, 2022) announced its first speakers.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 52 pull requests were merged (45 in code and 7 in docs) and 43 issues were closed (41 in code and 2 in docs). Excluding merges, 29 authors made 623,463 additions and 501,430 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 2607b66: [DependencyInjection] add TaggedIteratorArgument unit tests
- 65d19bd: [HttpClient] fix sending content-length when streaming the body
- 6af4986: [Mailer] Return-Path has higher priority for envelope address than From address
- 6d0d2f5: [Cache] make LockRegistry use static properties instead of static variables
- 63de80b: [FrameworkBundle] fix env resolution in lock configuration
- 76f6d74: [HttpKernel] fix Symfony not working on SMB share
- 639b74d: [Form] use reference date in reverse transform
- a90648c: [Workflow] catch error when trying to get an uninitialized marking
- 961e4d0: [Finder] add support of no-capture regex modifier in MultiplePcreFilterIterator
- 6d0d2f5: [Cache] make LockRegistry use static properties instead of static variables
- 23338d0: [Messenger] DoctrineTransportFactory works with notify and decorated PostgreSQL driver
- e7fcd9a: [Translation] allow usage of Provider domains if possible
- 1f15392: [HttpKernel] use the existing session id if available
- 3ed91c4: [Security] fix UserNotFoundException is not thrown
- 213381e: [SecurityBundle] use config's secret in remember-me signatures
- 8b680f0: [Messenger] consume a PSR-14 dispatcher for dispatching events
- 98dc2ec: [FrameworkBundle] add support to set BinaryFileResponse::trustXSendfileTypeHeader over config
- 9cbc853: [Routing] add EnumRequirement to help generate route requirements from a \BackedEnum
- ce3564b: [FrameworkBundle] add semaphore configuration
- 6299015: [Validator] improve FileValidator sizes factorization edge case
- e1d46c9: [Messenger] leverage nullsafe operator in worker
- 7751cd3: [FrameworkBundle] add support for first-class callable route controller in MicroKernelTrait
- efc974d: [Cache, String] don't use is_iterable() in perf-critical code paths
- a541f15: [Routing] allow using services in the route condition
- ea96c13: [HtmlSanitizer] add HtmlSanitizerConfig::withMaxInputLength()
- 22a1efd: [TwigBundle] deprecate option "autoescape", use "autoescape_service[_method]" instead
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Security] Add an easier way to get the current firewall name
- Access Session from the KernelBrowser
- Add support for Gmail sending through the API
Symfony CLI
Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the Symfony Local Server, the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released its new 5.4.6 and 5.4.7 versions with the following changes:
- Update supported Platform.sh services
- Switch to local security checker v2
- Add --disable-exit-code to check:security
- Remove usage of flex.symfony.com
SymfonyCasts Updates
SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony. Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.
These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates of the week:
- (Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 18: Installing 3rd Party Code into our JS/CSS
- (Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 19: Stimulus: Sensible, Beautiful JavaScript
- (Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 20: Real-World Stimulus Example
- (Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 21: Turbo: Supercharge you App
They talked about us
- Building Decentralized Web Apps with Solid and PHP
- Symfony 6.1, routing and PHP 8.1 Enums
- Symfony Station Communiqué - 15 April 2022
- Symfony Unit Testing
- SymfonyLive Paris 2022 – En chair et en os
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