The first maintenance release of symfony 1.1 was published this week. In addition, refactorization has begun for symfony 1.2 and official website opened the completely revamped plugins section.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about alternative action class syntax and feedback about symfony 1.1
Development highlights
- r10502: [1.2] update for the task to allow all parameters to be set with this option
- r10504, r10505: [1.1, 1.2] fixed tests if SQLite is not installed
- r10512, r10513: [1.1, 1.2] fixed "No connection params set for propel" PropelException thrown in Propel command line tasks under certain circumstances
- r10514, r10515, r10518: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2] fixed the way sfToolkit was using a PHP feature to treat strings as array, though returning the first character of string instead of the default value
- r10517, r10519: [1.1, 1.2] fixed database manager call from sfPropelBuildForms task generates an error
- r10530, r10531: [1.1, 1.2] fixed sfPDOSessionStorage has improper param binding order in session id update query
- r10574, r10575: [1.1, 1.2] fixed sfYaml::dump misunderstands hash as array
- r10576, r10577: [1.1, 1.2] enhanced database storage unit tests for MySQL, MySQLi and PDO connectors
- r10581, r10582: [1.1, 1.2] fixed Boolean default values aren't rendered correctly with symfony's input form widget
- r10589, r10590: [1.1, 1.2] fixed old session not destroyed when changing authentication state
- r10591, r10593: [1.1, 1.2] fixed variable replacing in URL happens in wrong order
- Completed Milestone 1.1.1
- r10618, r10619, r10620: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2] fixed sfBrowser::click throw unexpected PHP error when trying to retrieve a value from an empty selectbox (with no option tags)
- r10627: [1.2] refactored sfRequest
- removed the dependency on sfConfig by adding an $options argument to the constructor
- moved all 1.0 methods to a sfRequestCompat10 class in sfCompat10Plugin
- moved path_info_array, path_info_key, and relative_url_root configuration from settings.yml to factories.yml
- added a logging option
- r10628: [1.2] introduced send_http_header setting for the response, added an upgrade task
- r10630: [1.2] added a note about the new options argument to sfRequest
- r10631, r10632: [1.1, 1.2] made a small optimization to the event dispatcher
- r10633: [1.1, 1.2] fixed symfony version in the plain text exception file
- Updated dwhittle branch
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 141 changesets, 40 defects created, 22 defects closed, 5 enhancements created, 3 enhancements closed, 4 documentation defects created, 6 documentation defects closed and 46 documentation edits.
Book and documentation
- Updated Symfony 1.2 Admin Generator Development, Applying custom joins using a helper class, Symfony 1.2 Admin Generator Development, Symfony and Vim, The sfDoctrine FAQ pages
- Added some portuguese translations of cookbook tutorials: Instalando o symfony no IIS, Paginando uma lista
- New developers for hire:
- Computing Fitness: is a New Zealand based firm with experience in symfony application development and is happy to work on new or existing projects using this framework.
- New plugins
- sfTagtoolsPlugin: adds typeahead (similar to Flickr) and an admin page for deleting, renaming and merging tags to projects that already use sfPropelActAsTaggableBehaviorPlugin. Also adds support for featured tags and high-priority tags, and methods to retrieve tags ordered by popularity and priority.
- idTwitterClientPlugin: adds support to Twitter API for symfony 1.1
- sfCachedSearchPlugin: integrates with sfSearch and caches search results to speed up retrievel time. When sfCachedSearch is queried with the same query, it pulls the results from the cache instead of searching again.
- Upcoming plugins: sfSolrPlugin
- Updated plugins
- sfAdvancedAdminGeneratorPlugin: added has_many button image
- sfSearchPlugin: added missing file, fixed loose-typing bug in Lucene lexer, added optimize() method to criterions and general cleanup, added support for range queries and wildcards to Lucene lexer and general cleanup, added experimental query parser system for Lucene (work in progress), made search:query task shows parse tree of query, fixed criterion decorators optimization, made automatic optimization optional in search:populate task, added ->getServiceName() shortcut to xfDocumentHit, added memory optimization to xfLexerLucene, updated documentation for new criterion suite and parsers, formalized camel case conversion convention, added ->id() method to xfEngine interface and added xfEngineDecorator, added doc for how to execute unit tests
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: IE bug fixes, updated documentation, added adding cache and log folder to demo, added link to example, released 0.5.1 version, fix for sending illegal key when creating new objects
- sfDoctrineCSAdminThemePlugin: fixing style for form errors
- isicsBreadcrumbsPlugin: released 0.9.1 version (added action caching support)
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: fixed typo
- sfExtjs2Plugin:
- sfPropelActAsRatableBehaviorPlugin: fixes logger call in rating controller
- sfPropelPlugin: fixed static declaration for sfPhing (fixed in Phing), merged fixes for propel tasks, fixed sfPropelMigrationManagerTest
- ysfYUIPlugin: fixed dependency for button, tweaked success/failure callbacks
- sfCssTabsPlugin: added two new todo items
- sfPropelSearchPlugin: added optimize method to xfPropelCriterionModelName, added optimize method to xfPropelCriterionModelName
- sfFormtasticPlugin: extended all widgets supported by current YAML form field "type" mappings and sister validators, added options to date and time widgets to be more YAML friendly, fixed bug when YAML forms extend a custom class, added lime_harness script to test suite
- sfPhpDocumentorPlugin: updated README and LICENSE files, renamed phpdocumentor folder, updated package.xml, added automated task options and arrguments configuration by reading phpdoc's config file
- sfPropelPlanetPlugin: fixed package.xml to comply with new plugins system
- sfPropelFinderPlugin: implemented DbFinder::toArray(), DbFinder::__toString() and DbFinder::toHtml(), fixed problem with group by clauses being ripped off by pager, fixed problem with table alias and PostgreSQL, added sfPropelFinder::groupByClass() to ease PostgreSQL grouping, fixed issue with paginate() when called by children of sfPropelPager, added an option to delete records one by one so as to trigger behaviors, fixed problem with join() and with() when called by children of sfPropelPager, added DbFinderAdminGenerator, implemented sfDoctrineFinder::fromArray() and sfDoctrineFinder::getLatestQuery()
- sfPropelImpersonatorPlugin: added package.xml file
- sfGoogleWebsiteOptimizerPlugin: migrated README file to markdown
- sfGenerateControllerTaskPlugin: migrated README to Markdow
- sfPropelActAsPolymorphicBehaviorPlugin: migrated README to Markdown
- sfPropelAuditPlugin: created branch to make plugin compatible with symfony 1.1
- sfLucenePlugin: added support for serialization of query hits + added ->id() to xfLuceneEngine
- sfFirePHPLoggerPlugin: released 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 versions
Some new symfony powered websites
- (portuguese) site of portuguese company that develops web applications based on symfony
They talked about us
- Еженедельные Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Symfony #82 (21-27 Ð¸ÑŽÐ»Ñ 2008)
- What Google Gears may offer to Symfony ?
- symfonyã®1.0ã¨1.1ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰å¯¾å¿œè¡¨
- Descompactando arquivos ZIP vindo de um form com symfony
- El libro de los formularios de Symfony 1.1
- Should you learn a framework?
- Symfony observe_field on radio button (radiobutton_tag)
- Neues Buch und erster Rückblick auf Symfony 1.1
- Symfony 1.1 highlights
- Symfony 1.1
- Sensio Labs supporte le projet Doctrine
- Symfony 'time' input field
- Twitter su Symfony 1.1
- Framework apathy? Daft plugins? Blog time!
- Symfony generators - automatic wildcards on filters with plugins
- ОбновилÑÑ plugin sfFirePHP Ð´Ð»Ñ Symfony
- Symfony Plugins: Ideato Twitter Client
- Symfony launches plugins site section
- Symfony plugins: Audit degli oggetti Propel
- Symfony Plugins: A new home - sounds good!
- La nueva sección de los plugins de Symfony
- Admin Generator compatible with Propel and Doctrine
- Symfony plugins page provides better overview
- Выложен официально релиз Symfony 1.1.1
- Symfony, у плагинов поÑвилÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ð¹ дом!
- Se publica Symfony 1.1.1
- Symfony bugfix release 1.1.1
- Symfony 1.1.1 e la nuova directory dei Plugins
It is good to see symfony keeping going forward, but I am really dying to read the whole book of symfony 1.1 forms~when will the documentation complete?
I agree. I really want to read he forms book when it is complete. It is still lacking chapter five, at least according to some references with the first four chapters.