Last year, the phpBenelux (back then the joint usergroups phpGG (NL) and phpBelgium) started the BugHuntDay initiative. People were able to come by on a saturday to join in fixing bugs for Zend Framework, being coached by one of their core contributors. This year, phpBenelux is again organizing a BugHuntDay, focussed this year on symfony! On Saturday November 14th from 10.00 until 17.00 you are welcome to join Fabien Potencier, Fabian Lange, Stefan Koopmanschap and the Benelux PHP community in Herentals in Belgium to help improve symfony, learn from eachother, and of course have some fun.
During the day you will first of all learn how to contribute to symfony by finding and fixing bugs, after which you will actually sit down and, coached by Fabien Potencier, Fabian Lange, Stefan Koopmanschap and of course each other, you will be able to actually pick some bugs and start fixing them. Aside from contributing to symfony, you will most probably learn some more on how symfony works under the hood. Enough reasons to come and have some fun!
Attending the BugHuntDay is completely free. Intracto Group is sponsoring the event by providing location, food and drinks. You will need to bring your own laptop as computers are not provided.
Are you unable to make it? Fear not! During the day, several core team members will also be available in #symfony on, so you can also participate online! Just join us on IRC and discuss what you could do to help us out!
Saturday November 14th, 2009
Schedule (all times CET)
09h00: Welcome, drinks
10h00: Introduction by Fabien Potencier
11h00: Start of the bughunt
17h00: End of the bughunt
Industrieterrein Klein Gent
Diamantstraat 8 b101
B-2200 Herentals
Looking forward to see some people of the symfony community there!
Will be available a live streaming? It could be very very interesting for all users far from the location of the initiative.
I'm very interested in, but I can attend it online only, I hope I can help with bug fixing and learn something new from symfony experts :)
i'm willing to join this, but :< i'm in china. i've perpared to promote symfony here. i appreciate symfony very much.!
Daniel: I will have to contact our location sponsor to see if there are streaming facilities, but we'll be in IRC anyway.
Ivan: Online should be fine. :)
Kendoctor: Just join us in IRC. You can join us there for advice on how to contribute. The only "problem" is the time difference between China and Central European Time