The Spanish symfony community is proud to announce the first symfony conference organized in Spain. The conference will be held at the Jaume I university in the sunny city of Castellón on July 5 and 6. The full program of the conference comprises the following sessions and speakers:
- Symfony introduction (Alfonso Alba)
- Doctrine ORM (Nacho Martín)
- Symfony views and templates (José Antonio Pío)
- Admin generator (Javier López)
- Setting up the best development environment (Ricardo Borillo)
- Symfony use cases in Spain (Sergio Viteri)
- MongoDB and symfony (Pablo Diez)
- Symfony forms (José Antonio Pío)
- Plugins (Jordi Llonch)
- Cloud computing and symfony scalability (Asier Marqués)
- Symfony 2 (Javier Eguiluz)
Attending all the sessions is completely free, but the attendance is limited to the first 100 people registering at the official website. The sessions will be recorded and freely streamed after the conference. The keynotes and other resources will be also freely published.
The conference is sponsored by Jaume I university, its Systems and Languages department and several companies using symfony:, blackslot,, ideateca,, and
Update: due to an extraordinary demand, the attendance limit has been raised up to 170 people.
Sensiolabs why not sponsor the event?
@larsson, we've contacted Sensio Labs and they've been always willing to help promoting the conference (for example with this blog post).
The reason for not sponsoring the event is simple: symfony popularity has exploded and Sensio simply cannot sponsor every conference, workshop or symfony related event. We'll try it again next year :)
My comment was not a criticism just curiosity. Maybe next year I will not have this curiosity :)
Congratulations Javier!
Today the organizers have announced that expand the capacity to 170.
Congratulations to the organizers for the great work and I think has been wrong SensioLabs not collaborate.This will not be a meeting of friends, surely will be "THE EVENT" in Spanish on symfony.Perhaps year more sponsors are encouraged to collaborate.
See you at the conference.
Javier Eguiluz is right, what he said is correct. Sensio Labs has always been keen to help. From the organisation, we will try our best to collaborate with Sensio Labs in following editions. There are many people that asked us (by mail) an effort to have Fabien in the conferences. See you in the conference @larsson
@larsson: What are you talking about? I have been in touch with the organizers and I'm not able to come for personal reasons. Period. I have sent them some goodies for the conference. What are you asking for?
I apologize if I upset someone.
@Fabien I ask nothing and it was not my intention to demand anything, just that I was surprised that SensioLabs not appear as a sponsor, just that no other interpretations.
Apologies again.