The Spanish symfony community is proud to announce the first symfony conference organized in Spain. The conference will be held at the Jaume I university in the sunny city of Castellón on July 5 and 6. The full program of the conference comprises the following sessions and speakers:

  • Symfony introduction (Alfonso Alba)
  • Doctrine ORM (Nacho Martín)
  • Symfony views and templates (José Antonio Pío)
  • Admin generator (Javier López)
  • Setting up the best development environment (Ricardo Borillo)
  • Symfony use cases in Spain (Sergio Viteri)
  • MongoDB and symfony (Pablo Diez)
  • Symfony forms (José Antonio Pío)
  • Plugins (Jordi Llonch)
  • Cloud computing and symfony scalability (Asier Marqués)
  • Symfony 2 (Javier Eguiluz)

Attending all the sessions is completely free, but the attendance is limited to the first 100 people registering at the official website. The sessions will be recorded and freely streamed after the conference. The keynotes and other resources will be also freely published.

The conference is sponsored by Jaume I university, its Systems and Languages department and several companies using symfony:, blackslot,, ideateca,, and

Update: due to an extraordinary demand, the attendance limit has been raised up to 170 people.

Published in #Community