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Case studies about the most relevant Symfony projects created by the community. Want your own case study to be published? Send a proposal to

eZ Publish announced that they will use the Symfony full-stack framework for version 5.
July 2, 2012 #Case studies
The one where I officially talk about the adoption of some of the Symfony2 Components in Drupal 8.
March 22, 2012 #Case studies
Daily Motion, the world's largest independent video entertainment website, is now powered by symfony.
February 18, 2011 #Case studies
The case study this time is by Tom Dibaja, a new user of symfony. In his case study, he describes how easy it was for him, being an enterpreneur and not necessarily a developer, to pick up symfony for the development of one of his websites.
August 13, 2010 #Case studies
Symfony is used in a widespread range of industries, and this case study by Tomasz Muras of Enovation Solutions shows that the health industry has also embraced the framework for application development.
July 22, 2010 #Case studies
A new case study today written by Lukas Smith of Liip, one of the speakers of this year's Symfony Live conference in Paris where he presented about the combining of Liip's Okapi framework with symfony. In this case study Lukas shows how you can really do rapid development of technologically advanced applications with a minimal effort.
July 13, 2010 #Case studies
In only 36 hours the local Symfony developers built a fully featured web application to assist the individuals affected by the 2010 flooding in Nashville, TN which has cost the city almost 2 billion dollars in damages.
May 17, 2010 #Case studies
After a short break we're back with a new case study. This time, Jakub Zalas of Goyello discusses building the travel, leisure and lifestyle portal under a serious time pressure.
May 13, 2010 #Case studies
The first in the new series of case studies about running a TV station with symfony was a big success. So without further ado I would like to introduce to you the next in the series: open source hosting company ServerGrove has written a case study about their building of a livechat application with symfony.
March 31, 2010 #Case studies
During Symfony Live 2010 we asked people for their case studies to publish on the symfony website. From now on, we will publish a new case study every two weeks. The first one is by David Hermann. In this case study he will discuss how he used symfony to replace legacy software at a TV station with software that optimizes the workflow of the station employees.
March 17, 2010 #Case studies