If you are on Twitter like me, you've probably noticed the buzz around a recently launched website, called symfony check. I've asked Eric Rogé, its creator, to tell us a bit more about his tool:
I'm Éric Rogé and I work at UI Studio, a french web agency I created.
As a regular symfony user, I've noticed that when you work on a symfony project, there are many items to modify if you want to have your application truly finished.
- Error pages to customize
- Security parameters to turn on or to modify
- Basic tricks to enhance performances
Many items to modify means many chances to forget one of them, that's why I've created Symfony Check.
Symfony check turns the items to check into a todo list.
To save you some time the symfony documentation has been adapted and added inside each todo.
One step further
Symfony Check itself is powered by... symfony.
Since the project is very small, I challenged myself to apply all the symfony best practices I've learnt so far:
- Unit and functional tests
- Doctrine migrations
- Javascript features tested by a Selenium test suite
- The application degrades gracefully when javascript is off in the browser
- etc.
The source code of Symfony Check is available on Google Code under a GPL3 licence.
I used the list a few times since I saw it on Twitter and I definitely saved my day every time! Thanks for sharing this.
Excellent idea to promote best practices with Symfony :)
This is awesome! Well done!