Google Summer of Code 2008
March 7, 2008 • Published by Dustin Whittle
Once again the Google Summer of Code is upon us. The symfony team has submitted an application (yet to be officially accepted). Now we are looking for some ideas for projects and searching for students who might be interested in participating in Google Summer of Code this year.
If you want to sign up as a student and help your favorite framework (and earn $ 4,500 Google paid to each student) you must meet the following requirements:
* Over 18 years of age
* Be enrolled in an accredited institution
Find out more about Google Summer of Code 2008.
If you have ideas or would like to participate, please add information to the GSoC wiki or discuss it on the mailing lists. All ideas are welcome!
Help the Symfony project!
As with any Open-Source project, contributing code or documentation is the most common way to help, but we also have a wide range of sponsoring opportunities.
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So, you would write your XML file describing your schema, then, you build your layer, and a BUNCH of binaries are produced.
the idea lacks a bunch of details!, i'm actually working on a proof of concept!
- developing the binaries by hand.
- Bench marking them against propel 1.2 and 1.3.
this also would mean that any custom pear methods would STILL be in php!. which is kind of a downside!.
<a href="">We should move this conversation to the forums!.</a>