The symfony team would like to wish you a happy new year 2009.

2008 was a great year for symfony with the release of 28 minor versions (for 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2) and two major versions: 1.1 and 1.2.

We spent a lot of time updating the documentation, posting news and tutorials on the symfony blog (179 posts), and of course working on the Jobeet tutorial.

2008 was also the year of symfony plugins with more than 380 available plugins and 5300 registered users.

The symfony website traffic more than doubled in 2008. The fastest growing country for symfony has been India, followed closely by European countries: Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Hungaria, Spain, France, and United Kingdom.

As of today, the symfonians website references 1300 members and more than 420 symfony applications. It also has about 95 active job offers.

I hope 2009 will also be a great year for symfony.

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