Yesterday, Tuesday September 6th, the first and inaugural social meetup of the Symfony User Group in Los Angeles happened. The meetup was organized and sponsorized by the awesome guys at ChowNow and UseAllFive, who provided the venue, chow and drinks! Some managers of the Los Angeles PHP User Group joined the party.

The meetup held at the Café Bolivar in Santa Monica, which was privatized for the occasion and which welcomed around 30 people. To celebrate the beginning of the Los Angeles Symfony User Group, Hugo Hamon (@hhamon), the trainings manager at Sensio, made a short introduction of the Symfony2 framework. He introduced the basics and tools of the Symfony2 framework like MVC implementation, Twig template engine, Doctrine2 integration and the HTTP caching feature.

You can find the slides of the presentation are available on slideshare. For any information about the Los Angeles Symfony User Group, please get in touch with Gabe Hayes (@g14b3) at gabe[at]chownow[dot]com.

Published in #Community