Meet the bundle: ControllerExtraBundle
June 19, 2015 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
NOTE: This is the first post of a new series called "Meet the bundle" dedicated to promote Symfony bundles developed by the community and which are not well-known yet.
Annotations are one of the favorite topics to engage in a discussion with other developers. Some of them think that using annotations is a bad practice full of drawbacks, while others love how annotations reduce a fair amount of boilerplate code in their applications.
As usual, Symfony position is friendly for both sides: if you don't like annotations, don't use them. If you like them, Symfony supports and provides you with several useful annotations via the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle.
In this article we'll introduce ControllerExtraBundle, which is a bundle that
provides even more annotations to perform common controller tasks. One of those
annotations is called Pagination
and it allows you to create and inject
paginator objects:
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use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator;
use Mmoreram\ControllerExtraBundle\Annotation\Paginator as CreatePaginator;
* @CreatePaginator(class = "AppBundle:Product")
public function listAction(Paginator $paginator)
// ...
This annotation defines a lot of configuration options: the number of elements per page, the default result page number, the properties used for ordering results, the conditions used to filter results, etc.
Another useful annotation is Form
, which creates Symfony forms based on the
type class or the type service id, as shown in the following example:
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use Mmoreram\ControllerExtraBundle\Annotation\Form as CreateForm;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Form;
* @CreateForm(class = "user_type", name = "user")
public function registerAction(Form $user)
// ...
This annotation can even be combined with Symfony's @ParamConverter
to create
a form object with an previously created entity:
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use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Form;
use Mmoreram\ControllerExtraBundle\Annotation\Form as CreateForm;
use AppBundle\Entity\User;
* @Route(path = "/user/{id}", name = "user_view")
* @ParamConverter("user", class="AppBundle:User")
* @CreateForm(class = "user_type", entity = "user", name = "form")
public function viewAction(User $user, Form $form)
Read the bundle's documentation to learn about the rest of annotations: @Entity
, @Flush
, @JsonResponse
, @Log
, @Get
and @Post
About the author
ControllerExtraBundle is developed by Marc Morera, a Symfony veteran from Barcelona (Spain). In addition to leading the Symfony Barcelona group, he is the chief architect of Elcodi, an e-commerce platform developed with Symfony components.
We're looking for the next bundle
Do you know any other useful Symfony bundle which is not well-known by the community yet? Tell us about it in the comments below or send us an email to and we'll feature it in the next article of this series!
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Some correction in the article:
The annotation is not called Pagination but CreatePaginator.
The annotation is not called Form but CreateForm
use Mmoreram\ControllerExtraBundle\Annotation\Paginator as CreatePaginator;
In fact, given that the annotations "do things", I think they should be named with a verb, to clearly show their purpose: "@ParamConverter" could be "@ConvertParameter" and "@Template" could be "@RenderTemplate".
Do you think this is a good idea? I mean, just creating these entities extending old ones should work as expected, right?
Also @marc you should do that so no BC and also keeping the Liskov Substiution Principle.
Great new serie
use Doctrine\ORM;
Of course you can do the same by doing this
use Mmoreram\ControllerExtraBundle\Annotation as ControllerAnnotation;