Ian Carroll
Contributed by Ian Carroll in #19104

A new cookie attribute called same-site allows applications to disable third-party usage for any cookie. This helps protect users against CSRF attacks, because without the cookies, attackers can't see you logged in to the websites under attack.

In Symfony 3.2, the Cookie class constructor added a ninth argument called $sameSite that can take any of the values defined in the Cookie::SAMESITE_LAX and Cookie::SAMESITE_STRICT constants:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie(..., Cookie::SAMESITE_LAX);

The strict mode prevents any cross-site usage for the cookie. In the lax mode, some top-level GET requests are allowed, such as clicking on a link to another website or sending a form with GET method.

Improved the the response cache headers

Fabien Potencier
Contributed by Fabien Potencier in #18220 and #19143

Previously, if you performed a 301 permanent redirect and didn't set a cache header, the no-cache header was added by Symfony. In Symfony 3.2 this behavior has changed and now 301 redirects don't add the no-cache header automatically, but they maintain it if you set it explicitly.

Symfony 3.2 also fixes another inconsistency related to cache headers. When the no-cache header is present, Symfony now also adds the private directive, so the response contains no-cache, private instead of just no-cache.

Added isMethodIdempotent() utility

Kévin Dunglas
Contributed by Kévin Dunglas in #19322

HTTP safe methods are those that just retrieve resources but don't modify, delete or create them (only GET and HEAD methods are considered safe). The Request class includes a isMethodSafe() method to check whether the given HTTP method is considered safe or not.

HTTP idempotent methods are those that can be used in a sequence of several requests and get the same result without any other side-effect. For example PUT is idempotent because after two identical requests the resource has still the same state (it's always replaced) but POST is not idempotent because after two identical requests you will end up with two resources that have the same content.

In Symfony 3.2 we added a new method called isMethodIdempotent() to check whether the given HTTP method is idempotent or not.

Published in #Living on the edge