Tomorrow, Symfony will celebrate a new Virtual Hack Day, where developers from around the world gather online to contribute back to the project: fixing issues and proposing pull requests.
We'll meet from 15:00 to 20:00 CET / 09:00 to 14:00 EST. Click here to know the exact time interval in the place you live.
We'll use Freenode's #symfony-dev
channel to communicate. Click here
to join that channel from your browser or use any of these applications.
If you are new to Symfony or have never contributed
You are truly welcome to the hack day! Ryan Weaver will deliver a live mini workshop about how to contribute to Symfony. And we've prepared some easy to solve issues, like this one, to help you make a real contribution to Symfony.
Checklist to be ready for the hack day:
- Make sure Git is installed on your computer.
- Create a GitHub account if you don't have one.
- Fork the symfony/symfony repository and clone it on your own computer.
All this and more is explained in the Symfony Contributing Guide.
If you want to earn this cool Symfony Contributor badge create a SensioLabsConnect account and link it with your GitHub account.
If you have Symfony experience but have never contributed
- Review the Symfony Contributing Guide to check that your computer is ready to contribute.
- Look for the Hack Day issues or the Easy Pick issues and try to submit pull requests for them.
- Don't hesitate to try contributing! Tomorrow is the perfect day to make mistakes and learn from them!
If you have experience contributing to Symfony
- If you have some pending pull requests try to make them mergeable for the hack day.
- If you have some pending issues try to confirm that the error still happens on the latest version of Symfony and ask for help if you need it to make them actionable for the hack day.
- Look for pending Hack Day issues.
Final Comments
- During this Hack Day we won't contribute to the Symfony Docs. We'll work on that later.
- It's OK to contribute to other Symfony ecosystem projects, such as bundles. Look for the bundles you commonly use and see if you can help them fix some issues.
- Even if you don't actually contribute during the Hack Day, hanging around is a great experience to learn from other developers.
See you tomorrow!
Hack Day video from Ryan Weaver:
We read the Symfony news quite regularly but missed this one, while willing to participate ;-) What about doing this every first Friday of the month? Is there a plan for that?
@Richard I'm sorry you missed it. We should probably have announced it earlier. We don't plan to organize a Hack Day each month because that's too much for us and the community :) By the way, most people prefer Saturdays rather than Fridays for the Hack Days.
@Javier, you're right about Saturday, I've miscalculated the day on Sunday when this news article was 2 days old. Announcing it one week upfront should do the trick for me ;-)