The second release candidate of symfony 1.1 has been released today. Here's a quick changelog:

  • Added the ability to merge forms
  • Secured non-production controllers by default by inserting an IP check for into those controllers.
  • Refactored renderPartial() and renderComponent() in sfAction (code has been splitted to create a getPartial() and a getComponent() method)
  • Fixed sfForm cannot handle sfValidatorFile in embed form
  • Fixed internal URI when a route has some default parameters not present in the pattern
  • Fixed cloning unbound sfForm triggers unnecessary validation
  • Fixed I18n forms saving twice the i18n objects, once with empty default objects and once with bound objects
  • Fixed sfWidgetFormSchema rendering when there are only hidden fields
  • Fixed yml validator file can be overriden by a remote attacker
  • Propel schema inheritance is now supported by Yaml schema syntax
  • Syck extension support has been removed
  • Better phpdoc for the whole code

To upgrade an existing project based on another 1.1 beta, you have to run the following commands:

$ php symfony propel:build-model 
$ php symfony propel:build-forms
$ php symfony cache:clear   

To upgrade a project using symfony 1.0, you're invited to carrefully read the UPGRADE file.

The next step will be the release of symfony 1.1 stable.

Published in #Releases