A week after the release of the new plugin system, a lot of activity has taken place. More than 30 plugins were created, and 51 new releases were published on 27 different plugins.

Based on the feedback I have received from the community, I have made some tweaks to the system:

  • The home page has been redesigned. Now, you have access to the newest plugins and the recently updated ones. The search engine is also displayed a bit differently to make it clear how it works.

  • If you want to be informed when a new plugin is created or when a new release for your favorite plugin is published, you can now subscribe to the new plugin RSS feed or the recently updated plugins RSS feed.

  • The documentation for some plugins was only available on the Wiki because it was not bundled within the plugin. So, to ease the transition, the old trac information is now browseable again with this special URL (http://raw.trac.symfony-project.org/wiki/SymfonyPlugins). If you are a plugin author, please try to migrate all your documentation in the plugin README file as soon as possible. Please, keep in mind that this is a temporary URL.

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