NetBeans, the open-source development environment sponsored by Sun, is planning to include support for PHP frameworks in its upcoming versions. As there are so many PHP frameworks, NetBeans developers have organized a public election to choose the two PHP frameworks that will be initially supported.

If you like symfony framework, please spend two minutes voting for it:

  1. Sign up as a user on this page: (you must only provide a login and a valid email)
  2. Check your email and click on the link to set the password of your account
  3. Access the page
  4. Click on the "Vote for this issue" link
  5. In the election ballot that appears, scroll down until you see a row that shows "145913 Support for symfony". You must manually put a "1" in the adjacent text box to indicate that you vote for symfony.
  6. Click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to cast your vote.

This is a unique opportunity to support symfony because the effort required is negligible and the reward could be great. NetBeans is one of the most widely used development environments and native symfony support would facilitate its use by symfony beginners.

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