We're delighted to announce the immediate availability of the 1.1.1 bugfix release of the symfony framework, the first one since the release of the 1.1 stable version last month. Here are the changelog highligths:

  • The symfony available database based session storage backends are now able to handle session id regeneration,
  • Some Propel related tasks failed with a "No connection params set for propel" error message because they didn't initialize the database manager. We've fixed this too.
  • The cache now works as expected for component,
  • The sfYaml dumper can now dump ordered hashes,
  • Plugin Model classes overriding now works in every case,
  • ... and of course more tests, documentation enhancement and a lot of little bug fixes.

To upgrade your existing symfony 1.1 installation, if you use the PEAR channel just run in a command prompt:

$ pear upgrade symfony/symfony-1.1.1

If you use the SVN 1.1 branch, just svn update your current installation.

Published in #Releases