Symfony 2.3.32 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #15601 [console] Use the description when no help is available (Nicofuma)
- bug #15603 [HttpKernel] Do not normalize the kernel root directory path #15567 (leofeyer)
- bug #15428 Fix the validation of form resources to register the default theme (stof)
- bug #15619 [Translation] Fix the string casting in the XliffFileLoader (stof)
- bug #15575 Add appveyor.yml for C.I. on Windows (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15611 [Translation][Xliff Loader] Support omitting the <target> node in an .xlf file. (leofeyer)
- bug #15549 [FrameworkBundle] Fix precedence of xdebug.file_link_format (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15589 made Symfony compatible with both Twig 1.x and 2.x (fabpot)
- bug #15535 made Symfony compatible with both Twig 1.x and 2.x (fabpot)
- bug #14372 [DoctrineBridge][Form] fix EntityChoiceList when indexing by primary foreign key (giosh94mhz)
- bug #15489 Implement the support of timezone objects in the stub IntlDateFormatter (stof)
- bug #15426 [Serializer] Add support for variadic arguments in the GetSetNormalizer (stof)
- bug #15480 [Yaml] Nested merge keys (mathroc)
- bug #15445 do not remove space between attributes (greg0ire)
- bug #15263 [HttpFoundation] fixed the check of 'proxy-revalidate' in Response::mustRevalidate() (axiac)
- bug #15425 [Routing] Fix the retrieval of the default value for variadic arguments in the annotation loader (wdalmut, stof)
- bug #15074 Fixing DbalSessionHandler to work with a Oracle "limitation" or bug? (nuncanada)
- bug #15380 do not dump leading backslashes in class names (xabbuh)
- bug #15376 [ClassMapGenerator] Skip ::class constant (WouterJ)
- bug #15170 [Config] type specific check for emptiness (xabbuh)
- bug #15411 Fix the handling of null as locale in the stub intl classes (stof)
- bug #15413 Fix the return value on error for intl methods returning arrays (stof)
- bug #15392 Fix missing _route parameter notice in RouterListener logging case (Haehnchen)
- bug #15386 [php7] Fix for substr() always returning a string (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15355 [Security] Do not save the target path in the session for a stateless firewall (lyrixx)
- bug #15330 [Console] Fix console output with closed stdout (jakzal)
- bug #15326 [Security] fix check for empty usernames (xabbuh)
- bug #15249 [HttpFoundation] [PSR-7] Allow to use resources as content body and to return resources from string content (dunglas)
- bug #15282 [HttpFoundation] Behaviour change in PHP7 for substr (Nicofuma)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
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