Symfony 2.8.41 released
May 25, 2018 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 2.8 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 2.8.41 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #27359 [HttpFoundation] Fix perf issue during MimeTypeGuesser intialization (@nicolas-grekas)
- security #cve-2018-11408 [SecurityBundle] Fail if security.htt _utils cannot be configured
- security #cve-2018-11406 clear CSRF tokens when the user is logged out
- security #cve-2018-11385 Adding session authentication strategy to Guard to avoid session fixation
- security #cve-2018-11385 Adding session strategy to ALL listeners to avoid any possible fixation
- security #cve-2018-11386 [HttpFoundation] Break infinite loop in PdoSessionHandler when MySQL is in loose mode
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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