Symfony 3.3.3 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #23366 [FrameworkBundle] Don't get() private services from debug:router (@chalasr)
- bug #23239 [FrameworkBundle] call setContainer() for autowired controllers (@xabbuh)
- bug #23351 [Dotenv] parse concatenated variable values (@xabbuh)
- bug #23341 [DoctrineBridge][Security][Validator] do not validate empty values (@xabbuh)
- bug #23274 Display a better error design when the toolbar cannot be displayed (@yceruto)
- bug #23342 [Dotenv] parse escaped quotes in unquoted env var values (@xabbuh)
- bug #23291 [Security] Fix Firewall ExceptionListener priority (@chalasr)
- bug #23296 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix css trick used for offsetting html anchor from fixed header (@ogizanagi)
- bug #23333 [PropertyAccess] Fix TypeError discard (@dunglas)
- bug #23326 [Cache] fix cleanup of expired items for PdoAdapter (@dmaicher)
- bug #23345 [Console] fix description of INF default values (@xabbuh)
- bug #23328 [FrameworkBundle] Display a proper warning on cache:clear without the --no-warmup option (@ogizanagi)
- bug #23299 [Workflow] Added more events to the announce function (@Nyholm)
- bug #23279 Don't call count on non countable object (@pierredup)
- bug #23283 [TwigBundle] add back exception check (@xabbuh)
- bug #23268 Show exception is checked twice in ExceptionController of twig (@gmponos)
- bug #23266 Display a better error message when the toolbar cannot be displayed (@javiereguiluz)
- bug #23271 [FrameworkBundle] allow SSI fragments configuration in XML files (@xabbuh)
- bug #23254 [Form][TwigBridge] render hidden _method field in form_rest() (@xabbuh)
- bug #23250 [Translation] return fallback locales whenever possible (@xabbuh)
- bug #23237 [Cache] Fix Predis client cluster with pipeline (@flolivaud)
- bug #23240 [Console] Fix catching exception type in QuestionHelper (@voronkovich)
- bug #23218 [DI] Dedup tags when using instanceof/autoconfigure (@ogizanagi)
- bug #23231 Improved the exception page when there is no message (@javiereguiluz)
- bug #23229 [WebProfilerBundle] Eliminate line wrap on count column (routing) (@e-moe)
- bug #22732 [Security] fix switch user _exit without having current token (@dmaicher)
- bug #23226 [Validator] replace hardcoded service id (@xabbuh)
- bug #22730 [FrameworkBundle] Sessions: configurable "use_strict_mode" option for NativeSessionStorage (@MacDada)
- bug #23195 [FrameworkBundle] [Command] Clean bundle directory, fixes #23177 (@NicolasPion)
- bug #23213 Fixed composer resources between web/cli (@iltar)
- bug #23160 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the icon for the Cache panel (@javiereguiluz)
- bug #23052 [TwigBundle] Add Content-Type header for exception response (@rchoquet)
- bug #23173 [WebServerBundle] Fix router script option BC (@1ed)
- bug #23199 Reset redirectCount when throwing exception (@hvanoch)
- bug #23180 [FrameworkBundle] Expose the AbstractController's container to its subclasses (@BPScott)
- bug #23186 [TwigBundle] Move template.xml loading to a compiler pass (@ogizanagi)
- bug #23130 Keep s-maxage when expiry and validation are used in combination (@mpdude)
- bug #23129 Fix two edge cases in ResponseCacheStrategy (@mpdude)
- feature #22636 [Routing] Expose request in route conditions, if needed and possible (@ro0NL)
- bug #22636 [Routing] Expose request in route conditions, if needed and possible (@ro0NL)
- bug #22943 [SecurityBundle] Move cache of the firewall context into the request parameters (@GromNaN)
- bug #23088 [FrameworkBundle] Dont set pre-defined esi/ssi services (@ro0NL)
- bug #23057 [Translation][FrameworkBundle] Fix resource loading order inconsistency reported in #23034 (@mpdude)
- bug #23092 [Filesystem] added workaround in Filesystem::rename for PHP bug (@VolCh)
- bug #23074 [HttpFoundation] add back support for legacy constant values (@xabbuh)
- bug #23128 [HttpFoundation] fix for Support for new 7.1 session options (@vincentaubert)
- bug #23176 [VarDumper] fixes (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23100 [PropertyAccess] Do not silence TypeErrors from client code. (@tsufeki)
- bug #23156 [PropertyAccess] Fix Usage with anonymous classes (@mablae)
- bug #23168 [Config] Fix GlobResource on Windows (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23171 [Yaml] Fix linting yaml with constants as keys (@chalasr)
- bug #23121 [Routing] Revert the change in [#b42018] with respect to Routing/Route.php (@Dan Wilga)
- bug #23141 [DI] Fix keys resolution in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23145 Fix the conditional definition of the SymfonyTestsListener (@stof)
- bug #23091 [Cache] ApcuAdapter::isSupported() should return true when apc.enable_cli=Off (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #22953 #22839 - changed debug toolbar dump section to relative and use full window width (@mkurzeja)
- bug #23086 [FrameworkBundle] Fix perf issue in CacheClearCommand::warmup() (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23090 [SecurityBundle] Made 2 service aliases private (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23108 [Yaml] Remove line number in deprecation notices (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23098 Cache ipCheck (2.7) (@gonzalovilaseca)
- bug #23082 [MonologBridge] Do not silence errors in ServerLogHandler::formatRecord (@lyrixx)
- bug #23007 [HttpKernel][Debug] Fix missing trace on deprecations collected during bootstrapping & silenced errors (@ogizanagi)
- bug #23069 [SecurityBundle] Show unique Inherited roles in profile panel (@yceruto)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications. Don't update to this version.
Hello, The default controller after fresh install doesn't work, it extend the abstractcontroller from abstractcontroller.php class and the method getParameter is not found. With Controller from Controller.php using to extend the default controller, it work's. Sorry or my english, I'm french.