Symfony 3.4.39 released
March 30, 2020 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 3.4 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 3.4.39 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #36216 [Validator] Assert Valid with many groups (@phucwan91)
- bug #36222 [Console] Fix OutputStream for PHP 7.4 (@guillbdx)
- bug #36175 [Security/Http] Remember me: allow to set the samesite cookie flag (@dunglas)
- bug #36173 [Http Foundation] Fix clear cookie samesite (@guillbdx)
- bug #36176 [Security] Check if firewall is stateless before checking for session/previous session (@koenreiniers)
- bug #36149 [Form] Support customized intl php.ini settings (@jorrit)
- bug #36172 [Debug] fix for PHP 7.3.16+/7.4.4+ (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #36141 Prevent warning in pro _open() (@BenMorel)
- bug #36121 [VarDumper] fix side-effect by not using m _rand() (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #36073 [PropertyAccess][DX] Improved errors when reading uninitialized properties (@HeahDude)
- bug #36063 [FrameworkBundle] start session on flashbag injection (@William Arslett)
- bug #36020 [Form] ignore microseconds submitted by Edge (@xabbuh)
- bug #36041 fix import from config file using type: glob (@Tobion)
- bug #35987 [DoctrineBridge][DoctrineExtractor] Fix wrong guessed type for "json" type (@fancyweb)
- bug #35938 [Form] Handle false as empty value on expanded choices (@fancyweb)
- bug #36004 [Yaml] fix dumping strings containing CRs (@xabbuh)
- bug #35982 [DI] Fix XmlFileLoader bad error message (@przemyslaw-bogusz)
- bug #35937 Revert "bug symfony#28179 [DomCrawler] Skip disabled fields processing in Form" (@dmaicher)
- bug #35910 [SecurityBundle] Minor fixes in configuration tree builder (@HeahDude)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.
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