Symfony 4.2.2 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #29494 [HttpFoundation] Fix request uri when it starts with double slashes (@alquerci)
- bug #29697 [DI] Fixed wrong factory method in exception (@Wojciech Gorczyca)
- bug #29679 [HttpKernel] Correctly Render Signed URIs Containing Fragments (@zanbaldwin)
- bug #29754 Ensure final input of CommandTester works with default (@Firehed)
- bug #29695 [Form] Do not ignore the choice groups for caching (@vudaltsov)
- bug #29738 [Intl] handle null date and time types (@xabbuh)
- bug #29708 [FrameworkBundle] access the container getting it from the kernel (@xabbuh)
- bug #29676 [HttpFoundation] Fix erasing cookies issue (@eiannone)
- bug #29741 [VarExporter] fix exporting array indexes (@xabbuh)
- bug #29704 [FrameworkBundle] improve errors in tests missing the BrowserKit component (@xabbuh)
- bug #29721 [SecurityBundle] Fix traceable voters (@ro0NL)
- bug #29617 [Console] Add specific replacement for help text in single command applications (@codedmonkey)
- bug #29714 [Event Dispatcher] fixed 29703: TraceableEventDispatcher reset() callStack to null (@mlievertz)
- bug #29597 [DI] fix reporting bindings on overriden services as unused (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29639 [Yaml] detect circular references (@xabbuh)
- bug #29644 [Cache] fix bad optim (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29648 [Cache] fix SimplePsr6Cache proxying of metadata (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29569 [FrameworkBundle] decouple debug:autowiring from phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (@SerkanYildiz)
- bug #29546 [DI] map snake-case ids of service subscribers to camel-case autowiring aliases (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29409 Fix env fallback to an unresolved variable (@jderusse)
- bug #29626 [Routing] fix trailing slash redirections involving a trailing var (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29411 [EventDispatcher] Revers event tracing order (@ro0NL)
- bug #29533 Fixed public directory when configured in composer.json (@alexander-schranz)
- bug #29619 [Console] OutputFormatter: move strtolower to createStyleFromString (@ogizanagi)
- bug #29621 [Security] Prefer clone() over unserialize(serialize()) for user refreshment (@chalasr)
- bug #29591 [Cache] Fix undefined variable in ArrayTrait (@eXtreme)
- bug #29558 [Messenger] Restore message handlers laziness (@chalasr)
- bug #29589 [VarExporter] dont call userland code with uninitialized objects (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29542 [Routing] fix dumping same-path routes with placeholders (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29587 [Debug] ignore underscore vs backslash namespaces in DebugClassLoader (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29584 [FrameworkBundle] fix describing routes with no controllers (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29582 [DI] move RegisterServiceSubscribersPass before DecoratorServicePass (@kbond)
- bug #29527 [TwigBridge][Form] Prevent multiple rendering of form collection prototypes (@Shoplifter)
- bug #29571 [Yaml] ensures that the m _interna _encoding is reset to its initial value (@Jörn Lang)
- bug #29513 [Hackday][Serializer] Deserialization ignores argument type hint from phpdoc for array in constructor argument (@karser)
- bug #29323 [Security] defer log message in guard authenticator (@eschultz-magix)
- bug #29539 [WebProfilerBundle][TwigBundle] CSS fixes (@ro0NL)
- bug #29543 [Cache] Don't erase processed redis dsn (@chalasr)
- bug #29531 [Validator] Added IBAN format for Vatican City State (@raulfraile)
- bug #29501 [Form] filter out invalid language values (@xabbuh)
- bug #29307 [Form] Filter arrays out of scalar form types (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #29500 [Form] filter out invalid Intl values (@xabbuh)
- bug #29499 [Validator] Fixed grouped composite constraints (@HeahDude)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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We have a project that had two event listeners with the same priority. Updating to 4.2.2 resulted in the execution order of these being reversed. I assume this isn't considered a bug, as the order is undefined if multiple listeners have the same priority? Either way, thanks for flagging up a problem in our application, we've fixed it now 🙂
I had the same issue. I expect order is determined by the order the bundles are loaded in the Kernel (when priority are equals) ?