Symfony 4.3.7 released
November 11, 2019 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 4.3 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 4.3.7 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #34294 [Workflow] Fix error when we use ValueObject for the marking property (@FabienSalles)
- bug #34297 [DI] fix locators with numeric keys (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #34282 [DI] Dont cache classes with missing parents (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #34287 [HttpClient] Fix a crash when calling CurlHttpClient::destruct() (@dunglas)
- bug #34129 [FrameworkBundle][Translation] Invalidate cached catalogues when the scanned directories change (@fancyweb)
- bug #34246 [Serializer] Use context to compute MetadataAwareNameConverter cache (@antograssiot)
- bug #34251 [HttpClient] expose only gzip when doing transparent compression (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #34244 [Inflector] add support for 'species' (@jeffreymoelands)
- bug #34085 [Console] Detect dimensions using mode CON if vt100 is supported (@rtek)
- bug #34199 [HttpClient] Retry safe requests using HTTP/1.1 when HTTP/2 fails (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #34192 [Routing] Fix URL generator instantiation (@X-Coder264, @HypeMC)
- bug #34134 [Messenger] fix retry of messages losing the routing key and properties (@Tobion)
- bug #34181 [Stopwatch] Fixed bug in getDuration when counting multiple ongoing periods (@TimoBakx)
- bug #34165 [PropertyInfo] Fixed type extraction for nullable collections of non-nullable elements (@happyproff)
- bug #34179 [Stopwatch] Fixed a bug in StopwatchEvent::getStartTime (@TimoBakx)
- bug #34203 [FrameworkBundle] [HttpKernel] fixed correct EOL and EOM month (@erics86)
- bug #34035 [Serializer] Fix property name usage for denormalization (@antograssiot)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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