Symfony 4.3 curated new features
May 28, 2019 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 4.3 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 4.3.0 is going to be released in a few days. As for any other Symfony minor release, our backward compatibility promise applies and this means that you should be able to upgrade easily without changing anything in your code.
We've already blogged about the great 4.3 new features, but here is a curated list of the most relevant changes (this version has a total of 270 new small and big features):
New Components
- HttpClient provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously (nicolas-grekas) #30413
- Mailer helps sending emails (fabpot) #30741
- Mime allows manipulating MIME messages (fabpot) #30416 and #29896
The new HttpClient, Mailer, and Mime components are marked as experimental in 4.3.
The Inflector component is not internal anymore.
Not really new components, but Contracts are now split and available on their own: Cache, EventDispatcher, HttpClient, Service, and Translation.
The messenger component is still marked as experimental in 4.3.
- Add a redis stream transport (soyuka, alexander-schranz) #30917
- Add a Doctrine transport (vincenttouzet) #29007
- Add a "in-memory://" transport (GaryPEGEOT, sroze) #29097
- Add a messenger:stop-workers command (weaverryan) #30754
- Add a command to setup transports (vincenttouzet) #29476
- Add a "sync" transport to call handlers synchronously (weaverryan) #30759
- Add failure transport support (weaverryan) #30970
- Introducing native php serialize() support for Messenger transport (weaverryan, xabbuh) #29958
- Use an AmqpStamp` to provide flags and attributes (sroze) `#30913
- Add a stamp to provide a routing key on message publishing (G15N, sroze) #30008
- Add MessageCountAwareInterface to get transport message count (weaverryan) #30757
- Add WorkerStoppedEvent (chalasr) #31282
- Allow to register handlers on a specific transport (sroze) #30958
- Deprecate LoggingMiddleware in favor of providing a logger to SendMessageMiddleware (nicolas-grekas) #30539
- Add transport agnostic exception (nikossvnk, lolmx) #30375
- Make the serializer configurable by transport (weaverryan) #30628
- Dispatch an event when "logout user on change" steps in (Simperfit) #31138
- Deprecate BCryptPasswordEncoder in favor of NativePasswordEncoder (nicolas-grekas) #31170
- Add NativePasswordEncoder (nicolas-grekas) #31140
- Replace Argon2*PasswordEncoder by SodiumPasswordEncoder (chalasr) #31019
- Add Argon2idPasswordEncoder (chalasr) #30968
- Deprecate the Role and SwitchUserRole classes (xabbuh) #22048
- Replace serialization API (renanbr) #30052
- Add a NotCompromisedPassword password validator (dunglas) #27738
- Automatic data validation (dunglas) #27735
- Add new JSON validator (zairigimad) #28477
- Add new Timezone` validation constraint (phansys) `#30900
- Allow intl timezones (ro0NL) #31292
- Add number constraints (jschaedl) #28637
- Add constraint on unique elements collection(AssertUnique) (zenmate, nicolas-grekas) #26555
- Add MIR card scheme (antonch1989) #30377
- Add support for UATP card validation (raulfraile) #29504
- NotBlank: add a new option to allow null values (dunglas) #29641
- Check a BIC along with an IBAN (sylfabre) #28479
- Add support for many inital places (lyrixx) #30468
- Add a context to Workflow::apply()` (lyrixx) `#29146
- Add colors to workflow dumps (alexislefebvre) #29538
- The TransitionEvent is able to modify the context (lyrixx) #30902
- Added workflow_transition_blockers twig function (lyrixx) #30908
- Changed initial_places to initial_marking, added property (HeahDude, lyrixx) #30890
- Trigger entered` event for subject entering in the Workflow for the first time (lyrixx) `#29145
- Add support for PHP files with trans() in translation commands (yceruto) #30120
- Set sources when extracting strings from php files (Stadly) #31249
- Add sources when dumping qt files (Stadly) #31248
- Add comments when dumping po files (deguif) #30909
- Add XLIFF 1 source to metadata to differentiate from attr (ostrolucky) #30472
- Enable translation filters (ro0NL) #29286
- Add support for Translator paths, Twig paths and Translator aware services paths in commands** (yceruto) #29121
- Load original file metadata when loading Xliff 1.2 files (eternoendless) #29148
- Optionally use html5-php to parse HTML (tgalopin) #29306
- Return empty string on Crawler::text()` and `Crawler::html()` instead of an exception (respinoza) `#28581
- Added return of element name in extract()` method (andrey-helldar) `#29127
- Add caster for WeakReference instances of PHP 7.4 (nicolas-grekas) #31130
- Add link to source next to class names (nicolas-grekas) #30301
- Add caster for OpenSSL X.509 resources (nicolas-grekas) #29821
- Use hyperlinks in CliDescriptor (ogizanagi) #29613
- Add support for links in CliDumper (nicolas-grekas) #29235
- Add a "require" env var processor (mpdude) #30897
- Add a "trim" env processor (ogizanagi) #29781
- Add a "default" env processor (jderusse) #28976
- Replace "nullable" env processor by improving the "default" one (nicolas-grekas) #30504
- Add support for "wither" methods - for greater immutable services (nicolas-grekas) #30212
- ServiceProviderInterface, implementation for ServiceLocator (kejwmen) #25707
- Deprecate non-string default envs (ro0NL) #27808
- Add an url EnvProcessor (jderusse) #28975
- Add ReverseContainer: a locator that turns services back to their ids (nicolas-grekas) #30334
- Add support for deprecating aliases (j92, Renan) #29968
- Invokable Factory Services (zanbaldwin) #30255
- Add information about deprecated aliases in debug:autowiring (XuruDragon) #30075
- Add row_attr to form theme (alexander-schranz) #30320
- Add help_html (mpiot) #29861
- Add label_translation_parameters, help_translation_parameters and attr_translation_parameters options to base form type (webnet-fr) #28635
- Add block prefix to csrf token field (alexander-schranz) #29862
- Allow setting label attributes declared in label_attr (AngelFQC) #31220
- Add intl/choice_translation_locale option to TimezoneType (ro0NL) #31294
- Keep preferred choices order in ChoiceType (vudaltsov) #30985
- Remove default option grouping in TimezoneType (ro0NL) #31293
- Add intltimezone input to TimezoneType (ro0NL) #31195
- Add file links for described classes in debug:form command (yceruto) #30826
- Show all option normalizers on debug:form command (yceruto) #31082
- TransformationFailedException: Support specifying message to display (ogizanagi) #20978
- Allow to disable and customize PercentType symbol (Ken Stanley, OskarStark) #30433
- Be able to specify the input format for times (xabbuh) #30358
- Deprecate custom formats with HTML5 widgets (xabbuh) #28723
- Add option to render NumberType as type="number" (xabbuh) #30267
- Add input_format option to DateType and DateTimeType (fancyweb) #29887
- Add a convenience method to get the parent form in Twig templates (xabbuh) #28812
- deprecate some options for single_text widgets (xabbuh) #28721
- Add new block_prefix option for an easy form theming (yceruto) #29680
- Add "input" option to NumberType (fancyweb, Bernhard Schussek) #30893
- Expose "utf8" option, defaults "locale" and "format" in configuration (Jules Pietri) #30508
- Do not encode comma in query and fragment (Tobion) #31134
- Allow invokable route loader services (fancyweb) #30933
- UrlHelper to get absolute URL for a path (vudaltsov) #30862
- Allow boolean container parameters for routes (dmaicher) #30379
- allow using compiled matchers and generators without dumping PHP code (nicolas-grekas) #28865
- Allow force-generation of trailing parameters using eg "/exports/news.{!_format}" (zavulon) #29599
- Deprecate all PSR-16 adapters, provide Psr16Cache instead (nicolas-grekas) #29236
- Add optimized FileSystem & Redis TagAware Adapters (andrerom) #30370
- Add command for list all available cache pools (Nyholm) #31021
- Add DSN support for rediss in AbstractAdapter and RedisTrait (alex-vasilchenko-md) #30605
- [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate the Templating component integration (dunglas, fabpot) #21035
- New PHPUnit assertions for the WebTestCase (Pierstoval, fabpot) #30813
- [BrowserKit] Add support for HttpClient (fabpot, THERAGE Kévin) #30602
- [BrowserKit] Rename Client to Browser (fabpot) #30541
- [Lock] Added MongoDBStore (Joe Bennett) #27648
- [Lock] Use env variable to create anytype of lock store (jderusse) #30935
- [Dotenv] Deprecate useage of "putenv" (Nyholm) #31062
- [TwigBridge] Add template file link to debug:twig command (yceruto) #30827
- [Config] Deprecate TreeBuilder::root (gharlan) #31027
- [MonologBridge] Add monolog processors adding route and command info (trakos) #28330
- [MonologBridge] Disable DebugLogger in CLI (lyrixx) #30339
- [WebProfilerBundle] Add Pretty Print functionality for Request Content (SamFleming) #28919
- [WebProfilerBundle] Render the performance graph with SVG (Tom32i) #30450
- [OptionsResolver] Add a new method addNormalizer and normalization hierarchy (yceruto) #30371
- [Ldap] Implement pagination (kevans91) #29495
- [Ldap] Entry move support (kevans91) #29448
- [Finder] Throw a dedicated exception for non-existing directory (xelan) #30744
- [Finder] Ignore paths from .gitignore #26714 (amaabdou) #30448
- [EventDispatcher] swap arguments of dispatch() to allow registering events by FQCN (nicolas-grekas) #28920
- [Debug] Mimic __toString php behavior in FlattenException (Deltachaos) #28879
- [Debug] Display more details in the simple error page of Debug (javiereguiluz) #30024
- [PropertyInfo] Add possibility to extract private and protected properties in reflection extractor (joelwurtz) #30706
- [Filesystem] Support resources and deprecate using arrays in dumpFile() and appendToFile() (thewilkybarkid) #29661
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You need to mention this in the routes
Which I don't understand because I think a lot of people use this for their dynamic route system.