Symfony 4.4.11 released
July 24, 2020 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 4.4 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 4.4.11 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #37590 Allows RedisClusterProxy instance in Lock RedisStore (@jderusse)
- bug #37583 [Mime] Fix EmailHeaderSame to make use of decoded value (@evertharmeling)
- bug #37569 [Messenger] Allow same middleware to be used multiple times with different arguments (@HypeMC)
- bug #37624 [Cache] Connect to RedisCluster with password auth (@mforbak)
- bug #37635 [Cache] fix catching auth errors (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37628 [Serializer] Support multiple levels of discriminator mapping (@jeroennoten)
- bug #37572 [FrameworkBundle] set default session.handler alias if handle _id is not provided (@Youssef BENHSSAIEN)
- bug #37607 Fix checks for phpunit releases on Composer 2 (@colinodell)
- bug #37594 Use hexadecimal numerals instead of hexadecimals in strings to repres… (@arekzb)
- bug #37576 [WebProfilerBundle] modified url generation to use absolute urls (@smatyas)
- bug #36888 [Mailer] Fix mandrill raw http request setting from email/name (@JohJohan)
- bug #37527 [Mailer] Fix reply-to functionality in the SendgridApiTransport (@jt2k)
- bug #37581 [Mime] Fix compat with HTTP requests (@fabpot)
- bug #37580 [Mime] Keep Sender full address when used by non-SMTP transports (@fabpot)
- bug #37511 [DependencyInjection][Config] Use several placeholder unique prefixes for dynamic placeholder values (@fancyweb)
- bug #37562 [Cache] Use the default expiry when saving (not when creating) items (@philipp-kolesnikov)
- bug #37563 Fix DBAL deprecation (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37521 [Form] Fix ChoiceType translation domain (@VincentLanglet)
- bug #37550 [OptionsResolver] Fix force prepend normalizer (@hason)
- bug #37520 [Form] silently ignore uninitialized properties when mapping data to forms (@ph-fritsche)
- bug #37526 [Cache][Config] ensure compatibility with PHP 8 stack traces (@xabbuh)
- bug #37513 [PhpUnitBridge] ExcludeList usage for PHPUnit 9.4 (@gennadigennadigennadi)
- bug #37461 [Process] Fix Permission Denied error when writing s _pro _00 lock files on Windows (@JasonStephensTAMU)
- bug #37505 [Form] fix handling null as empty data (@xabbuh)
- bug #37385 [Console] Fixes question input encoding on Windows (@YaFou)
- bug #37491 [HttpClient] Fix promise behavior in HttplugClient (@brentybh)
- bug #37469 [Console] always use stty when possible to ask hidden questions (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37486 [HttpClient] fix parsing response headers in CurlResponse (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37484 [HttpClient][CurlHttpClient] Fix htt _version option usage (@fancyweb)
- bug #37447 [Validator] fix validating lazy properties that evaluate to null (@xabbuh)
- bug #37464 [ErrorHandler] fix throwing from toString() (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37449 [Translation] Fix caching of parent locales file in translator (@jvasseur)
- bug #37418 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix compatibility with phpunit 9.3 (@Gennadi Janzen)
- bug #37441 [DoctrineBridge] work around Connection::ping() deprecation (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37291 [MimeType] Duplicated MimeType due to PHP Bug (@juanmrad)
- bug #37429 [DI] fix parsing of argument type=binary in xml (@Tobion)
- bug #37425 [Form] fix guessing form types for DateTime types (@xabbuh)
- bug #37392 [Validator] fix handling typed properties as constraint options (@xabbuh)
- bug #37358 Directly use the driverConnection executeUpdate method (@TristanPouliquen)
- bug #37389 [HttpFondation] Change file extension of "audio/mpeg" from "mpga" to "mp3" (@YaFou)
- bug #37379 [HttpClient] Support for cURL handler objects (@derrabus)
- bug #37383 [VarDumper] Support for cURL handler objects (@derrabus)
- bug #37395 add .body wrapper element (@Nemo64)
- bug #37400 [HttpClient] unset activity list when creating CurlResponse (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #36304 Check whether path is file in DataPart::fromPath() (@freiondrej)
- bug #37345 [Form] collect all transformation failures (@xabbuh)
- bug #37362 [SecurityBundle] Drop cache.securit _expressio _language service if invalid (@chalasr)
- bug #37353 [DI] disable preload.php on the CLI (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37268 [Messenger] Fix precedence of DSN options for 4.4 (@jderusse)
- bug #37341 Fix support for PHP8 union types (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37271 [FrameworkBundle] preserve dots in query-string when redirecting (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37340 Fix support for PHP8 union types (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37275 [DI] tighten detection of local dirs to prevent false positives (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37090 [PhpUnitBridge] Streamline ansi/no-ansi of composer according to phpunit --colors option (@kick-the-bucket)
- bug #36230 [VarDumper] Fix CliDumper coloration on light arrays (@l-vo)
- bug #37270 [FrameworkBundle] preserve dots in query-string when redirecting (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37319 [HttpClient] Convert CurlHttpClient::handlePush() to instance method (@mpesari)
- bug #37342 [Cache] fix compat with DBAL v3 (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37286 [Console] Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin (bis) (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #37160 Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin (@ostrolucky)
- bug #36975 [PropertyInfo] Make PhpDocExtractor compatible with phpDocumentor v5 (@DerManoMann)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.
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