Today was the second and last day of the symfony Camp 2008 in The Netherlands. It was the closing day of a very successful event.
We started off the morning with an excellent introduction by organizer Lambert Beekhuis on writing and distributing plugins. After that, Francois Zaninotto came up to talk about usability applied to programming, using his recent DbFinder plugin as the main example.
After a short break, Fabien did a live refactoring of some code, showing how to improve code structure in symfony. Special attention was given to the functional testing using Lime, to prevent errors in your refactoring.
After lunch, Ian Christian (a.k.a. Pookey) went on to speak about the admin generator and how it can be used and customized to fit your needs. Ian was joined on stage for the example he had by Leon van der Ree, maintainer of the extjs plugin. They was followed by Dustin Whittle explaining the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) libraries, what they can do and what the new version will be doing.
After a short break it was time for the last presentation. I talked about the Web Debug Toolbar and how it can allow more professional, high quality software.
After that, the event was officially over, though most people stayed for some drinks and talking to eachother.
This year's edition of SymfonyCamp was a great success. See you next year!
We are still at the event ;) drinking good wines and speaking about symfony !
We are still at the event ;), programming in symfony and speaking about wine !
The hardcore are still here... ;o)
Go Norway!
We are still at thte event ;) drinking, smoking and programming in symfony and speaking about real wine! :D
Well, there is always the hardcore that are still there ;)
Enjoy yourselves there! I might open the wine I got for speaking, or shall I go for a glass of whiskey? Ah, choices.
People it was a great weekend!
Many thanks to the organisation!!!!
Any chance we can get the presentation links on here, like the day 1 blog?
I included links to all presentations on! See you all next year!
Russ: Sorry for that. At the time of writing, I didn't have the links to the slides. Thanks Lambert for the links. I've just come back from two days of holiday, and just added the links :)
Doh, sorry for that. that was me, not Russ, commenting. I'm still not yet awake ;)
So did anyone record this? I would really love to see some of these talks.