We recently removed the control panel script from the trunk. For those who don't remember, this script was a good replacement for the symfony command line interface. Users with no shell access to their host used to find it very useful, and we were asked to publish it again.
This script is now back as a plugin, and called sfControlPanelPlugin. It's been improved a bit, and now contains a better code browser, a better task executer, a new configuration explorer, and a data explorer that allows browsing data contained in the project's database. We also harmonized its look and feel with the symfony default pages. Check it out and try it, you might never use the CLI again...
Also in the news, we received confirmation of the official release date of the symfony book. It will be on time, and you can start reading it as soon as January 29th.
Thank you for control panel return. It's a great news. CLI is not my prefered way to do !!
Question : The book will be translated in French ? if yes, when ?
Merci pour tout votre travail !!
Which version of Symfony will be discussed in your book ?
Thanks a lot!!
Congratulations, great work!! (again)
This is pretty neat.
The first thing that popped into my head was "hey, you could edit .yml directly inside this control panel!" Maybe with some help by CodePress (http://codepress.fermads.net/).
Do you plan RCs ? Do you have a date for the 1.0 stable release (before january 29th I presume) ?
@sergey.s: symfony book covers symfony 1.0 and all the new features.
@NiKo: I will release a beta3 today which will be the last beta before RC1.
This is great! The main issues are CSS related (as mentioned in the wiki) -- would be nice to have a removeStylesheet() method in the sfWebResponse, so we could remove our own in the preExecute(). The other issue I noticed is that the dev controller is remaining in the Browse urls (i.e. http://myproject/frontend_dev.php/myadmin_dev.php).
pipp: Please feel free to open new tickets in the trac about these issues. Make sure that you prefix their title with [sfControlPanelPlugin] and that you allow them the 'plugin' type. If you add your own patch to it, it's even better!
Thanks, it's true that it was really missing when your were used to the 0.6.3 panel.
<a href=http://www.symfony-project.com/>thax =)</a>