Symfony Live 2013 tour: time to start the new season!
January 28, 2013 • Published by Anne-Sophie Bachelard
I'm so happy to announce to all of you Symfony folks, the super exciting Symfony Live year that is waiting for you! This time I promise, this is going to be "Great News" for all of you!
First of all, 2013 will start in sunny Miami where a full track dedicated to Symfony is organized at the SunShinePHP on February 8th & 9th. For this occasion, SensioLabs is proud to be Platinum sponsor of the conference. We're pleased to organize a Symfony workshop on February 7th and a Symfony certification exam on February 8th. Not yet registered? Hurry up, less than 2 weeks left before the conference! Register now to the SunShinePHP, the Symfony workshop and the Symfony certification exam.
Still in the USA, don't forget the US edition of the Symfony Live, which is very special this year. We're very pleased to organize the Symfony Live Portland on May 20-24 since for the first time, we will team with DrupalCon Portland and WebVisions. We're very excited about it and hope you're too! So be prepared this is going to be huge: 3 workshop days, 2-day conference, 2 certification exams and 1 combined hack day. Save the date and register now to Symfony Live Portland, the early bird has just started and you can either buy a ticket for the conference only or a combo to access the 3 conferences. Don't miss it, the Symfony Live Portland is the must-go Symfony conference for 2013!
In 2013, we will also organize 3 local Symfony Live conferences in Europe. The Symfony Live in France will take place in Paris and will be held in French. Registration are already opened and workshops will be announced soon. Like in 2012, there will be a Symfony Live in the UK and another one in Germany. But don't worry the Symfony Live tour is not over yet!
So last but not least, we'll organize for the first time ever a SymfonyCon in Europe! Yes, you read it well: there will be a SymfonyCon in 2013. This means that every year from today, a big European conference will be organized and each time in a different European country. SymfonyCon here we come!
More information will be available soon so stay tuned to get the latest news about the SymfonyCon and the Symfony Live conferences!
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Regarding the SymfonyCon 2013, more information will be available soon...
is symfony live paris completely in french or is there also an english track?