On November 22nd and 23rd, about 400 Symfonians attended the Symfony Live Conference. On Thursday, each of the five workshops was almost sold out and close to 300 people attended the Ecosystem conference. During the Symfony Main Conference on Friday, 400 Symfonians gathered in the nave and joined exciting talks about Symfony2 itself.

November 24th, the day after the conference featured the Hacking Day with around 80 attendees, which means almost a quarter of all conference attendees showed up.

All in all, everybody gave excellent feedback about the conference topics, organization and atmosphere - most of them giving it a 5 thumbs up rating on joind.in. Pretty awesome!

Fabien Potencier brought the conference to an end with an inspiring keynote about how complex the field of software development has become since he started programming himself back in the days. With Symfony2, he is committed to make programming easier and more fun again and especially addresses newbies, who are still unfamiliar with the framework. In this respect Fabien introduced and talked about SensioLabsDesktop, a recently launched application that aims to facilitate and simplify the setup of new Symfony projects.

Another highlight was the AfterConference Party with traditional Berliner Currywurst, cold beer and good music. With a bottle of beer in their hands, sponsored by SysEleven, attendees had another chance to meet the speakers and discuss their lessons learned. SensioLabs Deutschland, as this year's host of Symfony Live Berlin 2012, would like to thank all attendees, speakers, sponsors and media partners for the big interest, high spirit and great support. We strongly hope to see you all again next year.

In the following we provide the slides to the talks:

  • Profiling for Grown-Ups - Johann Peter Hartmann Slides
  • You thought Composer couldn't do that? - Nils Adermann Slides
  • Symfony and eZ Publish: Let's have a trip together - JÈrÙme Vieilledent Slides
  • Big Data, Metrics Collection and Analytics - David Z¸lke Slides
  • Make Your Project SOLID! - Tobias Schlitt Slides
  • What is new in Doctrine - Benjamin Eberlei, Alexander Mols Slides
  • Leveraging the Serializer Component - Hugo Hamon Slides
  • Modernisation of legacy PHP applications using Symfony2 - Fabrice Bernhard Slides
  • Security and AOP in Symfony2 - Johannes Schmitt Slides
  • Practical REST - Hypermedia Application Development with Symfony - Benjamin Eberlei, Lukas Smith Slides
  • 3 Steps to Symfony2 Form Mastery - Bernhard Schussek Slides
Published in #Community