One of the problems we've been hearing about with the symfony plugin system was the fact that it was hard to see if there was still active development being done on a plugin. There was no easy way until now for developers to communicate to users that a plugin has been deprecated. This is now changed: Plugins can now be deprecated.

There are several reasons why a plugin may be deprecated. The symfony core framework might have included the functionality of the plugin in a recent release, or another plugin with the same functionality might be doing a better job at it. Whatever the reason, a developer is now able to mark a plugin as deprecated. This is simply done in the administration panel of the plugin:

Deprecating a plugin

This will cause a message to be shown on all mentions of the plugin in the plugin system. The message will look something like this:

Plugin deprecated message

We'd like to thank Cédric Lombardot for triggering the discussion in the core team of this topic and we hope both the users and the developers of plugins will like this enhancement in making it more clear which plugins to choose.

Published in #Plugins