This week on friday 30 and saturday 31 October, the PHPBarcelona Conference takes place in Barcelona. During this conference, symfony will be represented by two core team members: Fabien Potencier will speak about Symfony 2 and Stefan Koopmanschap will present his "Integrating symfony and Zend Framework" talk. If you are in the area or interested in these and many other topics, then you are recommended to come by!

The conference takes place at the Citilab building and the schedule looks excellent. Aside from Fabien and Stefan speaking, there's a multitude of excellent speakers such as Rasmus Lerdorf, Derick Rethans, Lorna Mitchell, Damien Seguy, David Zuelke, Lars Jankowfsky, Sebastian Bergmann and many more. Tickets are only 50 euro for the full conference or 30 euro for a single day admission.

If you are at the conference, come and say hi, discuss symfony and other topics, ask questions, or just hang out with fellow (symfony) community members.

Are you also speaking about symfony at a conference or user group meeting? We are planning to do more regular event posts on the blog. Send an e-mail to Stefan.Koopmanschap - at - symfony-project - dot - org with the information on your presentation and at what event you are presenting, so that we can notify the community of your presentation.

Published in #Community