This year again, the symfony core team will speak at some conferences.
Here is the main talks we will give in the coming months:
- Fabien: March 12-14: "The symfony platform: Create your very own framework" at the PHP Quebec conference (Quebec)
- Fabien/Dustin: April 14-17: The symfony project will have a booth at the MySQL conference (Santa Clara - California)
- Dustin: April 22-25: "A Symfony Answer" at the O'reilly Web2.0 Expo (San Francisco - California)
- Fabien: May 23-24: "What's new in symfony 1.1" at the PHPDay (Rimini - Italy)
- Fabien/Stefan: June 13-14: "symfony Tutorial" at the Dutch PHP Conference (Amsterdam)
- Fabien: June 13-14: "symfony: The PHP platform for professionals" at the Dutch PHP Conference (Amsterdam)
If you talk about symfony at a conference, at a camp, or if you organize some
symfony gathering, you can send me an email or add a comment to this post.
Sounds cool, actions like these are very helpful spreading the project. Too bad there wasn't a talk at FOSDEM 08.
Yeah, I had missed all about FOSDEM or I would've sent a proposal. I found out about it only two weeks before it took place, a bit too late ;)
I just published my slides from phplondon's 08 conference yesterday on my blog.