As you might have noticed, the Symfony2 documentation grows every single day. Since the Symfony2 Live Conference, I regularly publish new documents for Symfony2, like the best practices to follow for Symfony2 bundles.

I think it's now time for the community to provide feedback on the Symfony2 documentation on several topics:

  • The documentation strategy (instead of a large book, the Symfony2 documentation is split into small chapters about specific topics);

  • The documentation format (it should be easy and fast to read, easy to understand and straight to the point);

  • The documentation content (things can change; if you think that documented features can be enhanced or don't make any sense, please tell us);

Early feedback is the best way to influence the way Symfony2 will look like. So, take a day or two to read the documentation, test the framework on some simple examples, and give feedback.