Yesterday and the day before, Sensio Labs organized the first Symfony2 online conference. It was a great success with more than 350 attendees (from over 35 different countries), and a dozen hubs around the world. Thankfully, the platform worked fine.
For those who did not attend the conference, the slides are available now:
Nice presentations - looking forward to getting into some Symfony2 coding!
Keep up the great work!
I just wanted to thank all of the speakers and Sensio for a great conference. I found all of the sessions to be very interesting, and I do like how all of the represented projects further PHP development itself.
Thanks guys!
Francois' slides are not downloadable?
The Francois presentation is not avaiable anymore!
I attended the first day and wrote a small summary on my blog here:
The components website hasn't been updated with the latest components mentioned in these presentations
The documentation on Symfony is less and less efficient. See a great help on :