SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019: the pre-conference workshops schedule is online!
June 27, 2019 • Published by Anne-Sophie Bachelard
The international Symfony conference is coming from 19th to 23rd November 2019, join us for SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019 at the beautiful Beurs van Berlage, downtown Amsterdam! We’ll have the pleasure to meet you for a full week of Symfony:
- November 19th-20th: 2-day pre-conference workshops
- November 21st-22nd: 2-day conference
- November 23rd: 1-day hackday
We're thrilled to announce that all the workshop topics are now online! If you already registered for a workshop, you should have received an email asking you to choose your workshop combo. If you're not yet registered neither for the conference nor the combo pre-conference workshops and conference, here is a sneak peak of our workshop schedule. We offer 5 workshops per day, all workshops except the workshop "Practical Design Patterns with Symfony" are one-day workshop. Discover our workshop schedule:
Tuesday November 19th
- Building API-driven apps with API Platform by Kévin Dunglas - Learn how to use and extend the most popular features of the API Platform: data providers and persisters, docs, pagination, validation, sorting, filtering, authentication, authorization, content negotiation, Mercure live update and much more! This hands-on workshop is focused on the server part of the framework (PHP).
- Getting ready for Symfony 5 by Nicolas Grekas - Symfony. Learn how to install third-party packages with Symfony Flex, configure your application with environment variables or exploit the new features of the dependency injection container. You will also learn how to prepare a Symfony 4 app for version 5, to be released next November. EventDispatcher, Security, Cache, etc - many important components have been improved, which means some part of them have been deprecated, and replaced by updated interface.
- Practical Design Patterns with Symfony (two days) by Titouan Galopin - SymfonyInsight lead. Discover Software Architecture from the point of view of a Symfony developer. We will discuss the Design Patterns implemented by the framework and learn how these patterns can help you develop better Symfony applications. We will also implement the most important of these patterns in a real-world Symfony application in order to give you effective practical tools for your next project.
- Practical Doctrine ORM within Symfony apps by Julien Pauli - SensioLabs trainer & PHP core contrib. Learn how to create entities and mappings and practice with some querying scenarios to understand how the ORM works and how it can help us. This workshop will teach what a UnitOfWork is, what are N+1 queries and how you can prevent them. Basically, we will cover everything you need to know to persist your data efficiently with Dotrine ORM.
- Create an eCommerce website with Sylius by Sylius Core Team Members Łukasz Chruściel and Mateusz Zalewski. Sylius is the only e-commerce framework entirely based on Symfony (with Symfony 4 and Flex support), crafted with clean code and BDD. Join us and see that eCommerce development can be easy and fun. During the workshops, we will together start with vanilla Sylius configuration and customize it to our needs. After the workshops, you will have a good insight into Sylius structure and its core concepts.
Wednesday November 20th
- Profiling Symfony & PHP apps by Nicolas Grekas - ex-Blackfire CTO. Profiling an application should always be the first step in trying to improve its performance. With this workshop, learn how to identify performance issues in your application and adopt the best profiling practices in your daily development habits. This workshop will use the tool to help you identify performance leaks.
- Practical Forms with Symfony by Julien Pauli - SensioLabs trainer & PHP core contrib. This workshop will teach you the core of the Symfony Form component: its architecture, how to validate submitted input with built-in and custom validators, what are form types and how to use them, their hierarchy and their options, using DTOs to decouple forms from your entities, using Data Tranformers to automate data treatments, writing Form extensions to push forward the limits of factorisation, etc.
- Writing Modern JS with Symfony & Webpack Encore by Ryan Weaver - SymfonyCasts. In this workshop, we'll use the Webpack Encore library from Symfony to quickly bootstrap a sophisticated asset setup, complete with minification, SASS processing, free versioning, automatic code-rewriting to support older browsers and more! Everything you need to start writing great JavaScript quickly. We'll also learn about using JavaScript modules, how to bootstrap a framework (like Vue) and other important modern practices.
- Knowing your state machines - Symfony Workflow by Tobias Nyholm - Happyr CTO & Founder. The state pattern will help you move complexity from being all over your code to one or more state machines. Tobias' workshop will introduce state machines, show you how to identify uses of them, and implement them in your Symfony application in an object-oriented manner using the Symfony Workflow component.
- Practical Design Patterns with Symfony (day 2) by Titouan Galopin - SymfonyInsight lead.
Check our workshop descriptions in details! Create now your own pre-conference workshops combo, select your workshop topic per day and book your workshop registration. Pre-conference workshop tickets are not sold separately from conference tickets.
The combo ticket price includes the 2-day workshops, 2-day conference, the hackday (breaks and lunches during all the 5 days are included). Get 20% off the global price for workshops and conference days with the combo ticket. Improve your Symfony and PHP skills before the conference, register now!
We can't wait to meet you at SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019, stay tuned for the latest news about the international Symfony conference!
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