Logo of the SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019

SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019, the international Symfony conference, will take place from November 19th to 23rd downtown Amsterdam, at the Beurs van Berlage! Join us for a full week of Symfony:

  • November 19th-20th: 2-day pre-conference workshops
  • November 21st-22nd: 2-day conference
  • November 23rd: 1-day hackday

We've previously announced all the pre-conference workshop topics, read our blog post to learn more about all the trainings we offer before the conference and the first part of the conference schedule, read the blog post where we announce the first conference speakers of SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019!

Pre-conference workshop days on November 19-20

Get trained on the latest features of Symfony, PHP and its ecosystem just before the conference. We offer 5 different workshop topics per day, you need to choose one workshop topic per day to create your personal workshop combo. Pre-conference workshop tickets are not sold separately from conference tickets. Get the most out of the conference by attending the workshops and the conference!

The combo ticket price includes the 2-day workshops, 2-day conference, the hackday (breaks and lunches during all the 5 days are included). Get 20% off the global price for workshops and conference days with the combo ticket. Improve your Symfony and PHP skills before the conference, register now!

Conference days on November 21-22

We’re still reviewing all the talk proposals we received for the conference and we’d like to thank again all the people who took the time to submit a talk proposal for the conference. We’ve selected more conference speakers and are very pleased to share with you who will be speaking at the conference! For those who don’t know it yet, the conference schedule will be divided into 4 tracks during our 2-day conference: advanced Symfony track, beginner Symfony track, PHP track and an Unconference track.

We'll have the great honor to welcome at the conference (in order of appearance on the conference schedule):

  • Valentin Udaltsov will speak about "How to contribute to Symfony and why you should give it a try". Valentin is an active Symfony contributor since 3 years. Not only it's a way to thank the project, it's also an immense source of knowledge and communication for him. He would like to share his experience and to encourage contributing to Symfony. He'll present how participation in an open source project makes you a better developer; the easy steps to join the Symfony ecosystem; where to get an idea for a pull request; branches and roadmap; coding standards, conventions and backward compatibility; rebase flow; review process.
  • Jachim Coudenys will be on stage to speak about "How Doctrine caching can skyrocket your application". Besides the fact that Doctrine will help you develop faster, so a little overhead doesn't really matter, there are numerous options to increase the performance of the application. By understanding how the system works in the first place, a lot of issues can be avoided right away. When you have done everything to avoid these pitfalls, you can bring in the big guns: caching. Doctrine has different caching mechanism and since Doctrine 2.5 "Second Level Cache" was added to our toolbox. After this talk, you should know what the impact is of every cache and how to use it.
  • Adiel Cristo will talk about "Crawling the Web with the New Symfony Components". When developing an application, a common feature we need to implement is gathering data from other sources. These data are available in various forms, usually unstructured, and behind some JS application, making them harder to reach. In this talk we'll use the Symfony's HttpClient, Messenger and Panther to build a crawler, first as a simple console application, then evolving to a distributed one.
  • Alessandro Lai will present a talk about "Adding Event Sourcing to an existing PHP project (for the right reasons). "Event Sourcing", along with "CQRS", have recently become trending terms, and now there is so much theory, blog posts and talks about them. This talk is a case history in which I will tell you (with little theory and a lot of practical examples) how we decided to add event sourcing to an already existing project (without eradicating the rest or rewriting it), to solve a specific problem (reporting and its history) for which this methodology proved to be the perfect solution.
  • Kévin Dunglas will speak about "HYPErmedia: leveraging HTTP/2 and Symfony for better and faster web APIs. Over the years, several formats have been created to fix performance bottlenecks of web APIs: the n+1 problem, over fetching, under fetching… Leveraging HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 unveil the true powers of the web (hypermedia architecture) with no compromises with performance. During this presentation, we’ll learn how to design our APIs to be able to maximise the benefits provided by HTTP/2. Better, Symfony already contain all the tools you need to create (WebLink, API Platform) and consume (HttpClient) such APIs. We will discover these gems together.
  • Tobias Sjösten will talk about "What happens when you press enter in the browser?. As a technical interviewer, one of the questions I like to ask the most is "what happens when I write www.example.com in the browser and then press enter?". The answer reveals a lot about the interviewee's understanding of a vast number of technologies that fringes web development. In this talk, I will go through exactly what happens, down to excruciating detail, so that you will be better prepared for your future job interview.
  • Andrii Yatsenko will present "Make the Most out of Twig. Twig is the most powerful templating engine in the PHP world that enables us to create highly complex projects with hundreds of multi-level extended templates, thousands of blocks, functions, filters, tests, and macros. It also offers a sandbox, a unique but not a widely used feature that creating secure user-editable templates. In addition, there are a number of handy built-in and external debugging tools available in the Twig ecosystem to simplify the day-to-day work process for a Twig designer. In this presentation, I will talk about how extensively we use Twig in a complex open-source e-commerce project.
  • Stefan Koopmanschap will speak about "Mental Health in the Workplace. Mental health is an important part of life, yet mental illness is big. Perhaps bigger than you might think when looking around you. In this talk, you'll be introduced to some basics on mental health and mental illness, and given some tips and handholds on how to handle mental illness on the work floor.
  • Michelle Sanver will be on stage to talk about "Importing bad data: Outputting good data with Symfony. The role of our API in Switzerland is to consume a lot of data that was not meant for a digital age, and to transform it into beautiful output, for one of the biggest retailer API’s in Switzerland. This is a journey of consuming a lot of data and API’s from different sources and in different formats. Some of them made us laugh, some of us got migraines. We built a smooth architecture to consume and output data. I am proud of our architecture that we seamlessly upgraded to keep latest versions, now Symfony 4 along the way. I want to share how we managed to keep this API up to date for over 5 years, and our architecture that we use to make it happen.

Hackday on November 23

Join us for the hackday and learn how to contribute to Symfony, review PRs, help newcomers, fix issues, write documentation, meet and ask questions to the Symfony Core Team... in other words come to improve Symfony together and share the joy of being part of such a great community!

Check the conference schedule and discover more about the speakers who will be on stage during the conference, find out more details about their talks! We'll soon announce more speakers and talks, stay tuned!

We can't wait to meet you at SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019, register now for the conference or for a combo pre-conference workshops and conference!

See you there!

Published in #Community #Conferences