We’re pleased to announce the SymfonyLive Paris 2014. You remember that all SymfonyLive events are national conferences, right? Meaning that they will be presented in the host country language. Only the SymfonyCon will be an international conference, held entirely in English. Just wanted to make sure you remembered, perfect!
So it means that for the second time the SymfonyLive Paris will be only in French. It will take place at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris on April 7-8. The Call for Papers is open until February 20th, so if you are a French speaker, don’t hesitate to submit one or several talk proposals. Speak about Symfony, Twig, your bundles or any other PHP tool you want to share your experience with!
If you plan to attend the conference, you can also enjoy the early bird price and register now to the conference, before the price change on February 14th.
Finally, if you are interested in becoming a sponsor of SymfonyLive Paris or of all the SymfonyLive and SymfonyCon that we organize, you can! We’ve just launched the Sponsor Guide of the SymfonyTour 2014. This year, we’ll organize a SymfonyLive conference in Paris, London, Berlin and one in the USA. We’ll close the SymfonyTour by the newest and already very successful SymfonyCon, but it will be in sunny Madrid this time! Get a maximum of visibility and become now a Sponsor of the 5 conferences at a reduced price.
We hope to see you at one of our conferences somewhere in the world!
Is there any entry fee for conference ?
Bonjour Il y aura des interprètes en langue des signes puisque je suis sourd. Je voudrais bien y aller....