SymfonyWorld 2020: Pre-conference workshops are online!
October 22, 2020 • Published by Anne-Sophie Bachelard
We're very pleased to announce all the workshops selected for SymfonyWorld 2020. Our first ever 100% online conference includes 2 days of online pre-conference workshops on December 1st and 2nd 2020. Pre-conference workshops are the perfect way to enhance your Symfony knowledge before the conference, making sure you'll get the most out of it.
We offer 2 kinds of workshops: 2-day workshops or 1-day workshops. If you choose 1-day workshops, you must select 2 different 1-day workshops to create your own workshop, one workshop per day. It is not possible to attend only one 1-day workshop, your registration is for the 2-day workshops. All workshops will be organized in English.
Here are the 2-day workshops you'll be able to attend on December 1st and 2nd 2020:
Symfony 5: the fast track with trainer Nicolas Grekas, Symfony Core Team member. This training is from the book "Symfony 5: The Fast Track" by Fabien Potencier. During 2 days, you will learn how to build a Symfony application from A to Z using new practices and new components. For those who are new to Symfony, this training is an opportunity to discover a range of capabilities to leverage. For the more experienced ones, the Symfony 4 development cycle changes the game. This training will be useful for them to refresh their knowledge and gain in efficiency from day to day. We will build an application with all the infrastructure of modern apps: database, application and HTTP cache server, message bus for background processing, APIs and SPAs, etc. On the menu: Flex, Mailer, Notifier, Workflow, Messenger, API Platform, HttpClient, String, Webpack Encore, etc.
Mastering OOP & Design Patterns with trainer Titouan Galopin, SymfonyInsight Product Manager. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) goes beyond the design of classes and interfaces. It includes a wide variety of concepts such as objects, entities, value objects, services, design models, SOLID principles, calisthenics, coupling, etc. Mastering OOP often requires several years of experience. This 2-day workshop will help you to better understand all these concepts in order to write more maintainable, robust and testable object-oriented code. You will also discover techniques to reduce the complexity of your code and make your classes more specific and therefore simpler. You will also learn how to recognize and exploit the power of design models (factory, adapter, composite, decorator, mediator, strategy, etc.).
Here are the 1-day workshops you'll be able to select and create your personalized 2-day workshop combo on December 1st and 2nd (one workshop per day):
Developing headless e-commerce with Sylius with trainers Łukasz Chruściel and Mateusz Zalewski, both Core Team member of Sylius. Have you heard about Sylius? Have you heard about API PLatform? Recently these two projects decided to leverage the power of the Symfony ecosystem and joint efforts to create new quality on a market of e-commerce API. During this workshop, we will build a modern backend of e-commerce API based on the Sylius platform. We will build a new headless shop from scratch, extends its behavior with new functionality, and customize existing functionalities.
API development with API Platform with trainer Kévin Dunglas, creator of the API Platform framework, and protocols and Symfony Core Team member. API Plaftorm has become a very popular framework for building advanced and modern API-driven web projects. After an overview of the modern API models and formats (REST, Swagger, Hypermedia, HATEOAS, JSON-LD, Hydra,, GraphQL...), we will learn how to use and extend the most popular features of the component: Swagger documentation, pagination, validation, sorting, filtering, authentication, authorization, content negotiation, data model generation using vocabulary. Finally, we will discover how easy it is to use the client-side toolbox (JavaScript).
All about Symfony's new Security Component with trainer Ryan Weaver, Symfony Documentation lead, Symfony Core Team member and trainer on SymfonyCasts. Symfony 5.1 and 5.2 includes a new, fresh refactoring of the Security component with the goal of decreasing complexity and giving you more power. While many things - like firewalls, authorization & voters - haven't changed much, other parts - like authentication - has. In this workshop, we'll convert an application from the existing security system to the new one. Along the way, we'll get a look into the basics of how it works and a deeper view into how we can hook into it, including creating a custom authentication system. Ready to dig into the new security component and love it? Let's go!
Profiling Symfony & PHP apps with trainer Jérôme Vieilledent, Developer Advocate at It is difficult to improve what is not measurable! Profiling an application should always be the first step in trying to improve its performance. With this workshop, learn how to identify performance issues in your application and adopt the best profiling practices in your daily development habits. This workshop will use the tool to help you identify performance leaks.
All workshops will be organized on CET / UTC+1 timezone. On both days, December 1st and 2nd 2020, they will start at 9:45 am CET with the workshop opening. Each workshop starts at 10 am CET until 1:15pm CET, including a 15 min break. A long break is scheduled from 1:15 pm CET to 2:15pm CET. Workshop will resume at 2:15 pm CET until 5:30 pm CET, including a 15 min break. Each workshop day will end with a 10 min closing session until 5:40 pm CET.
You must register for a combo workshop and conference ticket to attend the pre-conference workshops. Book your combo ticket now and attend the workshops with our super trainers' team!
Workshops will have a maximum limit of attendees, depending on the number of workshop helpers per workshop, the limit might be different. If you have any troubles, a workshop helper will be able to help you in a dedicated online space. Register before they are sold out! If you already bought your combo ticket, you'll be able to choose soon your workshop topics, you'll be notified by email about the workshops selection.
More workshops will be announced and the complete workshop schedule will be soon online. Stay tuned for more announces about SymfonyWorld 2020!
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