A few weeks ago, I had an interesting discussion about how to name Symfony2 from the perspective of a Symfony developer.

As we maintain a lot of different symfony versions, it is sometimes difficult to find documentation for the exact version you are using. So, when you start using symfony 1.4 for instance, and search for something on a search engine, you find lots of results for other versions of the framework like 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. With Symfony2, the problem will be even more annoying, as the framework is very different.

By removing the space between Symfony and the version, like in Symfony2, you can search for "Symfony2" instead of "symfony", and search engines will then only return results related to "Symfony2".

So, please, as of now, whenever you write a blog post, a piece of documentation, a tweet, or a presentation, never write "Symfony 2" again. Use Symfony2 instead. That way, someone can search for "Symfony2 routing" and he will have only Symfony2 results.

I have updated the Symfony2 documentation accordingly, which should be available later today ;)

Published in #Community #Documentation