A pile of books

We are very proud to announce the official release of The Definitive Guide to Symfony, a book that myself and Fabien spent the last months writing. The 490 pages of this book explain all you need to know from starting up symfony to managing a symfony application, with a lot of practical examples and expert tips. It is available in bookstores right now; if you want to order it online, we suggest our publisher's website or amazon.com.

The book is released under a GFDL license, which means that anybody can download the book's content for free. This shouldn't discourage you from buying it though, because the work involved in writing it is really worth its price! The documentation section of the symfony project website has been updated to allow users to browse this book instead of the old documentation. So if you would like to check the book's content before actually buying it, head to the documentation section.

The book's content has been committed to the symfony subversion repository, which should facilitate typo correction and updates. Additionally, given the license of the book, any translation effort lead by the community is greatly facilitated. By the way, we enabled Markdown formatting in the wiki, so you can keep the original formatting in translated versions.

Some lucky symfonians already received their copy of the book a few days ago, but unfortunately we only received ours today. The book is said to be quite good, although we would like to check it personally before recommending it... That's why we kindly ask all the people who have read it to give us their feedback.

We also tagged the 1.0 RC1 release today. We are getting very close to a 1.0 stable, and currently looking for help in bug-hunting. If you are willing to give us a bit of your time, download this release, test it, and report any blocking bug that you may notice.

We hope you will appreciate our work, and we wish you a very pleasant reading.

Published in #Releases