Symfony Live Conference

So, today is the first day of the third symfony conference (the first two ones were the English symfony Camp in 2007 and 2008), but also the first symfony live conference in Paris.

Photos, tweets, and more

If you were not able to join us, or if you cannot understand French, you can still follow the conference in near real-time by searching for the #sflive09fr hashtag on Twitter.

You can also have a look at some photos published on Flickr.

Videos will be available

To answer one of the most asked question about the conference, I am happy to confirm that the PHPTV guys are recording all the conference. They will work hard to be able to publish the first videos as soon as the end of next week. Kudos to them.

Slides for today

I will update this post regularly with the session slides as soon as I get them from the speakers. For now, here are the available ones:

Published in #Community