Two years after the publishing of "The Definitive Guide to symfony" book, I am happy to announce that the Jobeet tutorial is now available as a printed book: "Practical symfony".

During the last two weeks, I have updated and enhanced the Jobeet tutorial based on the feedback from the community. I have also updated the screenshots to reflect the new Jobeet design. The "Practical symfony" book is the printed version of this tutorial and as such covers the symfony 1.2 version.

The book is available in two editions: Propel and Doctrine. You can already buy the Propel version. Jon is working on the Doctrine version and the book will be available very soon.

The book content is the same as the one available on the website. The only differences are the table of contents and the day 24 cross-references, where all links have been converted to page references.

If you want to read the Jobeet tutorial comfortably in the train or in your bed, or if you simply want to support the symfony project documentation effort, you can buy the book on

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