The symfony live conference is now over. The first feedback is really good and people looked quite happy. The schedule was packed with a lot of good sessions, and we had great discussions about the framework and its future with the attendees.
Thanks You!
I want to thank the 180 people who attended the conference. Without them, such an event would not have been possible of course.
I also want to thank the organizers (Sensio Labs and AFUP), our sponsors (ServerGrove, WaterProof Software, CertEurope, Eyrolles, and Yahoo! Inc.), all the volunteers who helped us during the two days of the conference (Christophe Villeneuve, Nicolas Silberman, Vincent Bouzeran, Guewen Faivre, Xavier Roldo, Arnaud Limbourg, Marc Abiven, and Xavier Gorse), and the PHPTV team (Christophe Villeuneuve and Guillaume Ponçon).
Slides for Today
As for yesterday, here are the slides from the sessions we had today:
- Tests unitaires et fonctionnels avec Symfony
- Symfony 2
- Migration d'une application Microsoft vers Symfony
- Développement d'un CMS avec Symfony
- Building a platform from open source at Yahoo!
- Symfony pour gérer des médias
- Mise en place d'un générateur de contenu et de flux XML à l'aide des « Tasks »
- Interfacer sfGuardUser avec Facebook Connect, Wordpress, Redmine et OpenId
- Les bonnes pratiques du développement symfony en 30 points clés
- Symfony et Dailymotion : Retour d'expérience
- Refactoring d'une application Symfony en live
The slides are also available from the conference official website.
And last, but not the least, stay tuned as we will soon announce the next symfony live conference... and yes this one will be in English.
Bravo a toute la core team, et aux intervenants. J'ai passé 2 jours enrichissants et sympathique.
Pas bravo au voleur de laptop
Thanks for the slides!
On the page, links to download the slides are broken ;-)
thank YOU ! it was a pleasure to be there with all the attendees.
@Fabien Pennequin: fixed.
euh, on fait comment pour lire les slides sous linux ? (sans wine)... Deja que le prix du sfLive reserve l'evènement aux plus aisés, mais en plus, les slides sont sous format propriétaires...plutôt en décalage avec le projet...
euh, précisions, je parle des slides pour eclipse PDT (jour 1), merci pour le reste en pdf ! baissez le prix du sfLive !
@dway evince or kpdf..
@dway sorry, I haven't seen your second message, I can't read too
Hello et merci pour la publication des documents pdf. Il y a par contre 3 pdf manquant sous les url:
Vivement la 2e édition pour y participer :)
Pour une première ce fut une belle première. Merci pour ces informations de première main et échanges très intéressants pour un prix tout à fait raisonnable... Merci pour le livre, vraiment bien !!
The link to dailymotion'spdf is broken.
@dway: I think that you just don't realize that it costs a lot of money to organize such a conference. Is 200 euros for two days packed with 22 sessions expensive? I really don't think so. I'm really sorry that you cannot afford to attend, but you should know that even with 180 attendees, Sensio Labs actually put a lot of money on the table to cover all the expenses. And the same goes for the framework. Being free does not mean that it does not cost money to somebody. Think about it a bit.
As for the slides, all are in the PDF format, so easily readable by anybody. As for the one you talk about, sorry, but I just publish what the speaker gave me.
@Bozec, @Garfield-fr: links are fixed now.
Thanks for all these pdfs !! There is a small problem on the "Bonnes pratiques de développement JavaScript dans Symfony" : the file seems to be corrupted. Is there a way to fix this ?
Thanks a lot !
@RegisG you can get the pdf at for now until the link is fixed
Des nouvelles photos ont publiés sur l'évènement
@RegisG: this is fixed now.
@Fabien : If I've been some kind of provocant, sorry about this, this was not my goal, but, It was translating my feeling about how this type of event should be cheeper. I know it's expensive to build up, but maybe some sponsor partners could help more for reducing costs ? Anyway, I'm pleased that the event was successful ! <Out of Topic> the words in my catcha box for this comment are : employement / fired </Out of Topic>
We are using SYmfony for most of our project. Count me on English Symfony Live 2010. Good luck guys.
Btw @dway it is not expensive. even cheap. you know the fee for the web 2.0 expo. it is 4k. crazy stuff :(