The Symfony 5 certification is now available
June 3, 2020 • Published by Anne-Sophie Bachelard
The Symfony and Twig certifications are available online since October 2018, read our blog post announcement to find out more about the Symfony certification online availability. We’ve moved from physical exam centers to online certification to enable much more people to take the Symfony 3 and 4 or Twig certification exams. We're very pleased to announce that the Symfony 5 certification is now available. Plus, we have a new certification provider based in Europe which offers more advantages to people taking the certification exam.
Now it’s faster and easier than ever to take the exam, buy your certification voucher and take it from your own home or office. As long as you have a computer, a web cam and a stable Internet connection, you can take it. You can take the following certification exams: Symfony 3, 4 or 5; or Twig.
Take the exam:
- wherever you live in the world. There are no more restrictions regarding the country where you live which prevent you from taking the exam from home.
- 30 minutes after your certification voucher purchase. No need to wait 48 hours to schedule your exam. If you are ready, you can buy your certification voucher and take the exam 30 minutes after your purchase. Your voucher is available for a year after from your purchase date.
- up to 30 minutes late after your certification appointment. If you are late to your appointment, you can still take the exam, if you are late by more than 30 minutes, your appointment will be canceled and you won't be able to re-schedule it.
- or re-schedule the exam as many times as you want until the end of its expiration date.
- and be notified right after your exam if you succeeded or not. In case you fail, you will receive a few minutes after your exam an email informing you that you did not succeed. In case you passed the exam, you'll get notified 48 hours later. It's the time we need to review your exam and make sure you took it without any help. So if you don't receive an email just after your exam, it's probably a good sign!
We are moving forward with the certification! We wanted to enable everyone to take any exam no matter where you are in the world and get rid of the country exceptions. Having a European provider for the certification is also a very good thing to make sure that the GDPR rules are respected. Thanks to our new provider, we guarantee you that your data is safe and stored in compliance with all GDPR rules.
How do the certification exams work? Any Symfony certification lasts 90 minutes and includes 75 questions divided into 15 topics. Check here the exam topics of all the Symfony certification exams. The Twig certification lasts 60 minutes and includes 45 questions divided into 8 topics. Find here all the exam topics of the Twig certification exam.
Both certifications, the Symfony one and the Twig one, do not include any written answers or lines of code to write. You have 3 types of questions : True / False, Single answer or Multiple choice. It's an automatic test. Don't forget to test and check your camera and network connection before starting!
To book your online certification exam, follow these steps:
1- Buy your certification voucher for Symfony 3, 4 or 5 version or for Twig and receive it immediately in your mailbox (as a unique code)
2- Create your candidate account or log in to your existing account
3- Activate your voucher to schedule an exam appointment
4- Take the exam online in your own home or office and get your result immediately!
We are proud to count hundreds of certified Symfony and Twig developers in our community and we’d like to congratulate again all the certified Symfony and Twig developers! You want to become a Symfony or a Twig certified developer?
We're pleased to offer you a special discount on all our certifications, get 20% off your certification voucher purchase using the code CERTIF_2020 until June 12th 2020 (Midnight Paris time). Book your certification voucher at the unique price of 200€ (VAT excl.) instead of 250 € (VAT excl.) for Symfony and 119,2€ (VAT excl.) instead of 149€ (VAT excl.) for Twig. Your certification is available for one year after your purchase date, if you need some time to get ready before taking the certification exam.
Show the world your Symfony or Twig expertise, take the certification! If you have any questions regarding the Symfony and Twig certification exams, please read our FAQ section where you’ll find more detailed information.
Good luck!
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