Before the Symfony Live Conference in Paris, we conducted the first Symfony
community survey. The
raffle winners will soon be contacted by Anne-Sophie.
And without further ado, here are the survey results!
About you
What is your job?
How long have you been working with Symfony?
How did you get to know symfony?
About your company
What kind of company do you work for?
What is the size of your company?
How do you work with Symfony?
Do you use any other PHP framework/CMS?
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What is your primary OS on your development machine?
What tools do you use for development?
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What you are doing with Symfony?
What kind of jobs do you usually get?
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What is the average size of projects that you/your company work on?
How do you get trained?
Do you take trainings on IT/IT management?
How do you get trained?
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
Do you own one or more IT certifications?
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
Would you be interested in getting a Symfony certification?
Published in
Really interesting results
So Symfony users are 49% users of Wordpress ! Will people rewrite WP on top of Symfony2 ?
Thanks for these results ! Great !
You should do that every year with comparison.
WP on top of Symfony2 would be awesome for the community !
PS : I still don't have the badge ! lol
@Jérôme Tamarelle It's easy to rewrite a CMS like wordpress. You do it yourself in a week. The thing with Wordress is that there is thousands of plugins and themes. That take time to rewrite.. Don't reinvent the wheel. Use Symfony and Wordpress side by side.
I'm intrigued by the Symfony certification results. I expected people to be more interested...
"What is your primary OS on your development machine?" Maybe next time, you should ask for both development system and productive system. Because you told at Symfony Live Paris, you're not sure that most of people had understood this question correctly.
But hey! Anyway, this are quite cool results!
heh if you say let's rewrite wp on top of sf2 then the same reasoning applies for zend, why not rewrite zend2 on top of symfony2? :D
Excellent, a pleasure to have participated in the survey.
Best regards from Uruguay.
The first thing that i feel when i visit symfony's blog, i'm with a real engeneers :)
really intersetd results.
Really interesting results, thanks.
Yeah, i'm one of the winners ;o) Wooohooo! Thank You SensioLabs!
Great to have participated in the survey.
... very informative and interesting statistics Greetings to all the symfony community :D
@Tobias Nyholm if port/rewrite WP on Symfony ... please do it ! I'm sure in a very short time also Theme and Plugin will be ported as well.
The point is that WP is more complicated and smart then you think !
Next year it would be cool to ask if people are using Doctrine or Propel...