Before the Symfony Live Conference in Paris, we conducted the first Symfony community survey. The raffle winners will soon be contacted by Anne-Sophie. And without further ado, here are the survey results!

About you

What is your job?
Developer 986 82%
Consultant 47 4%
Project Manager 70 6%
Other 93 8%
How long have you been working with Symfony?
Less than a year 381 32%
Less than 2 years 261 22%
Less than 5 years 409 34%
More than 5 years 144 12%
How did you get to know symfony?
The Symfony Website 270 23%
Some PHP related website 281 23%
A conference or a meetup 37 3%
A book or a magazine 21 2%
A colleague 341 29%
I don't remember 139 12%
Other 107 9%

About your company

What kind of company do you work for?
I am a self-employed 328 27%
I work for an IT solution provider 517 43%
I work for an internal IT department within a company 264 22%
Other 87 7%
What is the size of your company?
I'm alone 196 16%
2-5 people 254 21%
6-20 people 278 23%
21-50 people 182 15%
51-500 people 198 17%
501-5000 people 48 4%
More than 5001 people 39 3%

How do you work with Symfony?

Do you use any other PHP framework/CMS?
Zend Framework 460 51%
CakePHP 98 11%
Code igniter 127 14%
Yii 56 6%
Kohana 42 5%
Typo3 61 7%
Drupal 252 28%
Joomla! 152 17%
Wordpress 447 49%
eZ Publish 24 3%
Other 125 14%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What is your primary OS on your development machine?
Windows 288 24%
Linux 485 41%
Mac OSX 407 34%
Other 16 1%
What tools do you use for development?
Zend Studio 71 6%
Eclipse 273 24%
NetBeans 459 40%
Vim 287 25%
Textmate 116 10%
PhpStorm 239 21%
SublimeText 125 11%
Other 168 15%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

What you are doing with Symfony?

What kind of jobs do you usually get?
Development 1159 98%
Support 208 18%
Trainings 109 9%
Consultancy 244 21%
Project management 318 27%
Other 20 2%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What is the average size of projects that you/your company work on?
less than 10K USD 367 31%
10K-50K USD 394 33%
50K - 150K USD 188 16%
150K - 300K USD 75 6%
more than 300K USD 97 8%

How do you get trained?

Do you take trainings on IT/IT management?
Never 722 60%
At least once per year 310 26%
3 to 5 times a year 90 8%
Nearly every month 73 6%
How do you get trained?
By reading books 938 78%
By reading blogs and other documents on the Web 1135 95%
With online training courses 299 25%
In a training class of a training center 127 11%
In a training class of an IT service provider 64 5%
Other 96 8%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
Do you own one or more IT certifications?
None, and I don't care 487 42%
None, but I'd like to get some 453 39%
PHP 129 11%
Zend Framework 20 2%
MySQL 25 2%
Some Microsoft certifications 51 4%
Other 90 8%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
Would you be interested in getting a Symfony certification?
Absolutely 454 38%
Rather interested 473 40%
Not interested 268 22%

Published in #Community