It's been quite a while since you didn't hear from us, so here is the news.

The non-keyboard fans now have access to the code snippets section by a simple click from the documentation menu, instead of typing the url, which is a hassle sometimes.

In addition, the latest comments about snippets are displayed in the snippets home page, and available as a RSS feed. You have no excuse to delay your snippets sharing, so create an account, rate, comment, post and learn from others.

By the way, the snipeet project has its own trac, and it's moving. Check it every once in a while.

Some of you already saw it, the askeet tutorial is being updated. The text of the first 16 days is already brand new (and has no error), and the archives of every day's code will soon be published.

Fabien was off to Ireland for a week, and he is now back with sunburns (!) and a very heavy mailbox. Expect him to be making commits to the symfony SVN repository quite soon.

As for me, I'm off to Eastern Europe (Estonia, Ukraine) for a long week - I'll be teaching symfony there. That's internationalization!

So keep on contributing to the mailing-lists, reading the forums and watching the trac timeline, to make the symfony community more active as ever!

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