As we really want people to use symfony, we need the word to spread: it is a great framework, easy to use and very efficient.
But having new people to come to the site and start using the framework is not that easy, since the first step (installing via pear, reading 100 pages of documentation, etc.) might be overwhelming, despite our cool Ajax screencast.
So we currently work on a new tutorial - a big one. It will be unveiled day by day between December 1st and Christmas. It will be a good occasion to discover the real process of application development with symfony from A to Z, according to professional methods.
The source will be made available, and the final application should really be what you expect of web 2.0: it will contain Ajax, RSS, tags, and will be community-focused. In the process, we will detail concept and practices concerning tests, cache, debugging, batch process, and some of the new features of the upcoming symfony release.
This symfony advent calendar should drive people to symfony. Or so we hope.
Anyway, spread the word and make sure you come back then. We are confident that we'll all have a lot of fun...
Update (2005-12-01): the advent calendar is online! Go and check it!
You guys are awesome. I too am very eager for your work to take off! Keep up the great work.
Simply amazing move. I'm very much looking forward to this!
I can't wait!
You doing a great!!
Excellent! Symfony is amazing already!
This is one of the most exciting projects to come to PHP in a long time. Slowly learning my way around the framework, and eagerly looking forward to the new tutorial!
Great news folks !
I've been asked to co-develop a community forum/mentoring site. We are looking at PHOCOA and Symfony.
As with a LOT of frameworks, getting going can be a little difficult until you start thinking like the developers of the framework.
Your proposal for a day by day tutorial will be excellent.
Can I ask that some consideration be given to the following:
1 - Windows users may NOT have Apache. They may not have the choice!!! I use Sambar Server. It does NOT have mod-rewrite capabilities. As for those poor devers on IIS. So can the mod-rewrite rules be explained to see if there is an implementation method for them.
2 - Again Windows, but this time, MSSQL. Sure mySQL is VERY popular, but the Accounts, Payroll, T&A, Production Control, Factory Monitoring and Q&A apps ALL run from MSSQL, so trying to get them to support another DB is next to impossible. Hopefully, DB abstraction is complete - no SQL in anything OTHER than the DB layer. Nothing worse than some object MILES away from the DB classes starts issuing SQL updates! php|Architect ran a VERY good article on DB Persistence. This seems like an excellent solution for me.
3 - Windows (again - hmmm - have you guessed that I have to develop FOR a windows environment?) - NO COMPILER!!! Any PECL extensions MUST be supplied as binaries appropriate to the version of PHP. I'm on V5.1.0 and waiting for the Zend Optimizer to catch up. Any day now! Having said that, the speed for V5.1.0 still seems pretty good. I may have to do some of my own tests to see if there is any difference.
4 - As the project relies on a lot of other projects, an appropriate explanation of what they do and why they are used. You are right. Many developers don't have time to read hundreds of pages of manual. Many developers also don't have time to learn a LOT of new tech (or tech I've implemented myself without realising I've got my own shiny, new, nearly round wheel!). Not being familiar with Propel/YAML/Rails/Django/Scaffolding may hinder some of them joining/using the project simply because it looks too advanced. Understanding the first principles gives the developer a greater freedom.
Thank you for your efforts in creating what looks like an extremely exciting project.
Regards and good luck and by the end of the tutorial, Happy Christmas!!!
Richard Quadling.