As we really want people to use symfony, we need the word to spread: it is a great framework, easy to use and very efficient.

But having new people to come to the site and start using the framework is not that easy, since the first step (installing via pear, reading 100 pages of documentation, etc.) might be overwhelming, despite our cool Ajax screencast.

So we currently work on a new tutorial - a big one. It will be unveiled day by day between December 1st and Christmas. It will be a good occasion to discover the real process of application development with symfony from A to Z, according to professional methods.

The source will be made available, and the final application should really be what you expect of web 2.0: it will contain Ajax, RSS, tags, and will be community-focused. In the process, we will detail concept and practices concerning tests, cache, debugging, batch process, and some of the new features of the upcoming symfony release.

This symfony advent calendar should drive people to symfony. Or so we hope.

Anyway, spread the word and make sure you come back then. We are confident that we'll all have a lot of fun...

Update (2005-12-01): the advent calendar is online! Go and check it!

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