Looking for something to do with all that brain power? We're happy to announce an upcoming community event that will harness the power of the symfony community toward a variety of social causes. Help us get the word out!
This event will take on the basic structure of other 48 hour web application development competitions, such as Rails Rumble, but with a special twist unique to symfony. The applications we create during the course of the competition will be gifted to different socially-minded organizations around the world. Once the fun is over, our work will live on and hopefully do a lot of good.
A Call for Causes
The first thing we need is to determine who we're working for. If you are or know of a socially-minded organization that could benefit from an interactive web application, we want to hear from you.
Please submit a brief proposal for the application you would like built that includes the following:
- A description of your organization (200 words or less)
- A description of the application you would like built (400 words or less)
Please keep in mind these applications will be built in 48 hours or less by small development teams. If you're not sure how to gauge the effort involved in your proposal, just send in your idea and we'll help refine a reasonable scope.
Submissions should be sent to me, kris.wallsmith[at]symfony-project.com.
Yeah, yeah. When do we code?
We are still in the early stages of planning for this event, but we want to get the ball rolling. We'll be opening submissions for development teams shortly; the competition will happen sometime this spring.
In the meantime you can help us out with any of the following:
- Spread the word Tweet! Blog! Vlog! Or, if you have marketing expertise and want to join the team, hit me up.
- Sponsors We will need sponsors to help with hosting and prizes.
- A name (!) Any ideas?
name: symfony (in) concert!
name: symfony battle of orchestras
'concert' is great name :)
That sounds very good :)
This is a very good idea! For Symfony and the chosen community, bu also for developers in so far as this will be an excellent way to share experiences with other developers.
I think that's something missing at that moment, I haven't seen any common projects developed by the community (sorry for my ignorance if there are some).
Name: symfray
Name: "symfony conducted" / "symfony conductors"
"symfony score"
+1 for the "concert" concept... maybe "symfony: live in concert" ?
Great idea. "Symfony live" or "Symfony sprint"
www.sierra-bravo.com is on our second year of hosting an event very similar to this. http://www.f1webchallenge.com
We kick off Feb. 28th, there's still some slots available for dev's of all frameworks & languages.
Will the competition be about only building new apps or it can involve building cool new feature for existing apps as well? Like our for social marketplace http://www.onista.com we are thinking of many building cool features. One of the such features can be built in 48 hours by small team.
Info appreciated,
Comunity action in symfony
How about:
"Symfony Jam" or "Symfony Harmony" i indeed like the concert / togetherness idea
Good idea ! :)
In order to meet the (praiseworthy) social aims, some thought will be needed as to how the applications will be supported beyond the 48 hour (Symfonietta?).
@Robert - I guess the twist is not unique to symfony!
@Joe - This is being discussed
@Thomas - There will be requirements for documentation and automated tests that should address this important concern
@Mom - blush
name : SEVENT - Symfony Event
askeet, jobeet, why not symfeet :)
+1 Symfeet
Yeah... or maybe Symfoneet?
pd: Symfony rules!
Will these sites be available to the public as an example of how an entire Symfony project can be made, or will they not be released?
name : "SoliFony : let's play together !"
+1 for the Symfoneet
+1 for Symfoneet
I like the "let's play together!" slogan and the name "Symfoneet". How about this?
"symfoneet - let's play together!"
I love to have this free web application.
<A HREF="http://www.mathewcarpenter.com">web entrepreneur</A>
What would be fantastic, in order to encourage multi-ethnic geek exchanges would be to pick up randomly the team partners :-)
@gaspard: That would be great :)
To me, "concerto" sounds great
In response to a number of emails I've received: there is no requirement that organizations have any sort of official non-profit status to participate as a "cause."
I'm think "SymfoWork" sounds good !!!
I like the idea of a concert.
symfoneet is continuous, that's true - but it sounds geeky ;)
Symphony Comes Alive Symphony Alive II Symphony Double Live Gonzo
Nice strategy and online offer! How about the Public Forum like this one here?.... By: publicforum.weebly.com
I'd suggest projects to extend civiCRM, an open-source non-profit CRM used by a wide variety of non-profits (including me).
Contributing to civiCRM means the benifit of the work will go to many organizations, rather than just one.
In particular, things I'd like to see (just my own personal hopes among many worthy goals): closer integration between civiCRM and Joomla user tables (for log-on and access control and community builder and forum intigration) . . . a volunteer management module . . . a package of customizable on-line forms to make the program more out-of-the-box ready to go.
it should be great to have an application such as doodle.ch or eventbride to organize conference, dinners and any kind of events (maybe the next symfony camp too ;) ).
Imho is not a too big task but surely will be usefull.
maybe a mixxt community(mixxt.com)? many barcamps in germany are organised via mixxt.
this wep
Kris, I sent You inquiry about this event some weeks ago, have You received it?