We are happy to relay the news that you will find everywhere these days: the Zend Framework has just been released in a stable version. We have been looking closely at this project since its early days, and we believe that its going 1.0 is good news for the PHP community in general. It means that another popular library showcases professional coding practices like unit testing, API documentation and coherent naming – and PHP can only benefit from having more professional projects.
The Zend Framework provides a lot of useful classes to handle communication with Flickr, del.icio.us, and so on. It has a PHP implementation of the Lucene search engine, and many other utilities that you may need one day or another for your web applications. You can use any of the classes provided by the the Zend Framework in your symfony applications thanks to the Zend Framework Bridge.
# in apps/myapp/config/settings.yml
- [sfZendFrameworkBridge, autoload]
While the Zend Framework reaches its 1.0 version, we are currently witnessing a new phase in the life of the symfony project. Some of the latest symfony plugins provide complete functionality (you can find plugins to build a Blog, a Forum, or a Media Library) and building a symfony application looks more and more like playing Lego. Besides, the core of the framework has been partly rewritten to make it even easier for you to tweak and override the core classes. This is good news for symfony 1.1, which should be released by the end of the summer.
Best wishes for You little Symfony
I played with Zend framework before. It's really bad. There is no coherent and updated documentation at all, whatsoever. The documentation that they have on their site is for previous releases, which doesnt work for the current release.
Plus the people who work on Zend are incoherent in their progress and so they change their mind all the time and the library is therefore constantly changed, fixed, update and reverted back to old one as a result of someone not liking the new change.
SO der! ya go!
good news! 1 and 1/2 year ago a was looking for a good and documented framework for php. cake, zend, seagull and symfony have been evaluated. after one month of evalutating all of them, the clear winner was symfony. I am looking forward to 1.1 cause a don't like the way symfony handles form validation right now. A more automated validation and the possibilty to validate data in the model not in the action would really save a lot of time for me.
keep on rocking!
greate news. :)
@tuct: for the validation at model level you should look at the sfPropelValidateBehaviorPlugin
You are great! Promoting the release of other framework speaks very well of you
I must be missing something, but it seems that the sfZendPlugin is on release 0.9.2 not the 1.0 release. I've checked in svn, but there hasn't been a commit on the sfZendPlugin in 2 months.
I hope to see symfony fully integrated with the Zend Framework to use these usefull calsses in our projects. how far we are from morning! ;)
sfPropelValidateBehaviorPlugin would get my attention if there was a way to retreive the errors themselves. Maybe such functionality does exist, but at least it's not documented. sfPropelValidateBehavior::FAIL alone is pretty useless.
> I am looking forward to 1.1 cause a don't like the way symfony handles form validation right now. A more automated validation and the possibilty to validate data in the model not in the action would really save a lot of time for me.
+1 Where do I sign?