Symfony UX Notify
Symfony UX Notify is a Symfony bundle integrating server-sent native notifications in Symfony applications using Mercure. It is part of the Symfony UX initiative.
Before you start, make sure you have StimulusBundle configured in your app.
Install the bundle using Composer and Symfony Flex:
$ composer require symfony/ux-notify
If you're using WebpackEncore, install your assets and restart Encore (not needed if you're using AssetMapper):
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$ npm install --force
$ npm run watch
For more complex installation scenarios, you can install the JavaScript assets through the @symfony/ux-notify npm package
To use Symfony UX Notify you must have a running Mercure server and a properly configured notifier transport:
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# config/packages/notifier.yaml
myMercureChatter: '%env(MERCURE_DSN)%'
Then, you can inject the NotifierInterface
service and send messages on the chat/myMercureChatter
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// ...
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\ChatterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Message\ChatMessage;
#[AsCommand(name: 'app:flash-sales:announce')]
class AnnounceFlashSalesCommand extends Command
public function __construct(private ChatterInterface $chatter)
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$message = (new ChatMessage(
'Flash sales has been started!',
new MercureOptions(['/chat/flash-sales'])
return 0;
The chat/flash-sales
is the Mercure topic the message will be sent to.
The final step is to "listen" to that topic and trigger the notifications
in the user's browser. To do that, call the stream_notifications()
function anywhere on the page:
{{ stream_notifications(['/chat/flash-sales']) }}
Calling stream_notifications()
without a parameter will default
to the
Enjoy your server-sent native notifications!

Extend the Stimulus Controller
Symfony UX Notify allows you to extend its default behavior using a custom Stimulus controller:
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// assets/controllers/mynotify_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
export default class extends Controller {
initialize() {
// guarantees "this" refers to this object in _onConnect
this._onConnect = this._onConnect.bind(this);
connect() {
this.element.addEventListener('notify:connect', this._onConnect);
disconnect() {
// You should always remove listeners when the controller is disconnected to avoid side effects
this.element.removeEventListener('notify:connect', this._onConnect);
_onConnect(event) {
// Event sources have just been created
event.detail.eventSources.forEach((eventSource) => {
eventSource.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
console.log(event); // You can add custom behavior on each event source
Then in your render call, add your controller as an HTML attribute:
{{ stream_notifications(options = {'data-controller': 'mynotify'}) }}
Using another Mercure hub
Symfony UX Notify can be configured to specify the Mercure hub to use:
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# config/packages/notify.yaml
# Specifies the Mercure hub to use. Defaults to "mercure.hub.default"
mercure_hub: mercure.hub.custom
Backward Compatibility promise
This bundle aims at following the same Backward Compatibility promise as the Symfony framework: